Another new Sotonian (but still waiting the rumoured signing on fee from pap)

A quick hello from me, been drawn to the light of Sotonians, like some overweight hairy moth from the darkness that is TSW!

Must say I do prefer the more considered ‘discussions’ here rather than the unbridled slagging off to be found ‘elsewhere’.

Oh yes, SWMBO says I ought to apologise now - get it out of the way kind of thing.

I look forward to many happy hours here!

Laters guys…



I think how well you get on here will very much depend on the type of old computer you had, nerd.

If sir followed the Commodore track, I think you can expect to have many happy hours here. I cannot promise the same if sir was an aficianado of the hated Sinclair.

Sotonians. Maintaining the feud, twenty years after both companies disappeared from the market.

Have to admit to Commodore 32 > 64 > Spectrum with an Amiga chucked in somewhere. From there to a GEC 4080 thence to IBM for nigh on 20 years.

Now it’s an assortment of Macs.

I had a zx spectrum and a commodore 64 :lou_sunglasses: Would it be opening too big a can of worms to ask why the sinclair is hated?

It’s the old “toy Spectrum” vs the “proper computer C64” scenario I reckon…

You can’t needlessly maintain a 40 year old beef if it isn’t.

All format wars actually boil down to the same thing. Dismissal of the thing you don’t got. You still have a bit of that in the computing world. I’m normally a Pokémon type collector of hardware, but I gave the XBox One a swerve, and enjoyed a bit of partiality on that.

The war has moved to phones & PCs now, things that are bound by contract agreements or sheer expense. People fight over their Apples or Androids, or Apples or PCs, needlessly so in my opinion.

Everyone knows that Apple hardware is for Muggles :lou_lol:

Originally posted by @gavstar

Would it be opening too big a can of worms to ask why the sinclair is hated?

Pap, can you ban this one please?!



That eye should be fully closed or the grinner is in danger of slipping right off under pressure. I would also opt for a microbarb as I think mouth damage should be kept to a minimum… For hookholds and small wounds/missing scales I recommend propolis by NT Labs. All natural and highly effective.

Goatboy…outnerding the nerds :lou_lol:


…and as for pap, well, since I’m a newbie here I will maintain a ‘respectful’ and un-hooked silence regarding the final line of his post - for now…

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Originally posted by @Jack-Schitt

Originally posted by @gavstar

Would it be opening too big a can of worms to ask why the sinclair is hated?

Pap, can you ban this one please?!


I don’t think I should be banned for opening cans of worms, or for my love of Daley Thompson’s Decathlon (even if it did take longer to load than a page on the DE site during meltdown weeks) :lou_wink_2:

Actually having thought about pap whilst in the shower, sorry, I meant thought about his ‘muggles’ comment above, I realise that I read it wrong so owe him an apology (already).

You’re right, Apple users are muggles - 'cos we don’t need to be fecking magicians to get Macs to work properly!!

Unlike Windows shite…


And this just goes to demonstrate how much you really know about computers, fuckwit.

Everyone knows that the Sinclair Spectrum was the best (when it came to gameplay!!), who needs fancy non-colour clash graphics and decent sound??

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You’re having a laugh, inch ya?

Either that, or you don’t remember the Spectrum and its rather flaky capabilities. Owners of other systems could whack two Atari joysticks into the machine itself. Spectrum owners could either use a Kempston Interface (just one joystick) or a ZX 2 interface, which had two joystick ports but little compatibility.

At best, it had a couple of really good exclusives, and some interesting interpretations of games.

Welcome new bloke.

BTW Spectrum was groundbreaking. I had a ZX80 and a ZX81 before so the Spectrum was like watching a film in HD having previously seen it from a distance of 8 miles through a milkbottle.

My brother had a C64, and although it was a better system I hated him and everything he was associated with.

therefore Spectrum was the better system, as it wasn’t soiled by my brother.


no way the C64 was a better system after your brother soiled it :lou_facepalm_2:

Who doesn’t love an upgrade? I felt the same going from my Commodore 16 to the 64, even more so when making the jump to an Amiga A500.

This is one of the reasons that we C64 owners were so in love with our machines. You’d hear stuff like this coming out of them. Absolutely peerless at the time.

And years later, dudes doing arrangements of the same tune on acoustic guitar.

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Ultimate play the game made some absolutely cracking titles. Would love to see some of them ‘updated’.

Spent hours playing Jet Pac, Atik Atak, Pssst etc , they were joyful.

Just don’t unplug your quickshot 2 with the power on or you’ll have to buy a new computer

Ah but could you roll a coin back and forth over 2 keys when you were playing Daley Thomson’s Decathlon to get max speed??

Ah, Daley Thompson’s Decathlon. Perhaps the ideal place to demonstrate the Spectrum’s crapness.

Notice anything wrong with that?