
I’ve noticed that the page scroll bar only goes as far as page 5. At the moment it is possible to find old posts by looking for them under their various categories; but will this still be possible once the individual categories have more than 5 pages worth of posts?

I wouldn’t like to think that some of our cracking jokes, pearls of wisdom and exemplary works of literature might be lost to posterity.

In short, what is the archiving situation?

Originally posted by @Halo-Stickman

I’ve noticed that the page scroll bar only goes as far as page 5. At the moment it is possible to find old posts by looking for them under their various categories; but will this still be possible once the individual categories have more than 5 pages worth of posts?

I wouldn’t like to think that some of our cracking jokes, pearls of wisdom and exemplary works of literature might be lost to posterity.

In short, what is the archiving situation?

You mean, most importantly, so we can go back and prove people wrong, after an event! As I was writing this I was thinking of Dalek! So wrong!

There is a search on the right, so it may come up if you know the tread of what is in the post?

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:smile: Sfcsim, you’ve just read me like an open book.

Do you mean this :-

Because on the GoT thread it goes to 7 and beyond…

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Ah, I see what you mean, there are 160 discussions and 20 per page but the pager at the bottom would suggest that there is only 100 discussions.

Calling Pap to the technical meeting room, calling Pap to the technical meeting room…

Oh, I hadn’t noticed that, Bob. Cheers.

I wonder why it doesn’t go beyond 5 on the main page?

By the way, sorry to be a pain, but you couldn’t post up that info on how you do those screen shot snips again, could you? I know you’ve already done this once before for me but it was on Tokes deleted thread and I didn’t get a chance to write it down.

Originally posted by @Halo-Stickman

By the way, sorry to be a pain, but you couldn’t post up that info on how you do those screen shot snips again, could you? I know you’ve already done this once before for me but it was on Tokes deleted thread and I didn’t get a chance to write it down.

I’ve PM’d you, please tell me if you haven’t got it…

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Cheers Bob, you have mail!