Ask Pap and Tokyo-Saint Questions about past Discord

This is my attempt to salvage MLG’s thread.

  • This thread is not even an idea
  • What exactly is an idea
  • This thread is a bad idea
  • This thread is a good idea

0 voters

In a reverse takeover bid can I ask MLG what his favourite pop-tart is?

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aaargh Rupert is back

Was it where they met, or a very special dance? I assume you meant Disco.

In terms of Grudge Matches, tokyos vs pap is a bit Alien vs Predator; i.e. you don’t really care who wins, cos they’re both cunts.


Why isn’t anyone asking questions?

Because it has all be said and is done and dusted


Is that a question for pap & tokyos, or a question for i.e. Bears?


Toke, are you beating on pap because he dissed labrador-sex?

pap, are you beating on Toke because he dissed people with small penises?

Redslo, are you deriving any sexual pleasure from this thread?

Bletch, what the fuck are you talking about?

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I don’t answer questions in this thread.

It’s all about Face. Tokyos has always been v.concerned about Face; it’s the culture of his people. Pap also cannot stand to lose Face, because he is short man syndrome, and also because he is a Pap.

I think Pap should be the one to bend over + apologise, because him losing Face will only hurt him, whereas if Tokyos loses Face, he will be shunned by his family & will have to do the ancient samurai tradition of seppuku, which is v.srs.


Ahh, I see. It’s the tantric approach to sexual pleasure.

See your own thread, Narcissus.

OK, I get the feud is over some comments made by Tokes about the Hillborough disaster and subsequent enquiries and I understand it is a very emotice subject but could we please stop airing our dirty laundry in public.

Man up the both of you, agree to disagree and move on, I miss Tokes posts TBH

No, I don’t think a simple, manly, agree to disagree is on the table at this time. I am providing Tokyos legal advice on this matter, and we are holding out for a full and complete pap bend over and take one, coupled with grovelling apology, and public admission that Liverpool is gay.

Fuck sake Bearsy, typical lawyerish approach, exarcebate the situation to get yourself more money!

Being a price-pikey I assume you’re not doing it pro bono**!!!

**no I don’t mean you’re in favour of some aged Irish rock musician

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Is there any truth in the rumour that pap and Toke are airing their dirty washing in public as a cheap gimmick to promote sotonians?


Bear promised no bend over no fee. He wouldn’t lie to me would he?


If Pap doesn’t agree to terms then I’m sure Bearsy would done a long haired wig and happily pretend to be Pap, shit smeared bollocks and all!

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pls tokyo, leave this in the hands of your legal representation. I can’t have you making public comments until you’ve been properly deposed. It might sour our case!

If the case in question has anything to do with Paps balls it will already be soured.