Big Ben's Bongs

Big Ben is set to fall silent for four years.

I’ve found some of the reaction a bit surprising, personally. Including, PM Mayhem, deciding to weigh in on the matter.

It’s not as if they are taking the thing down or permanently getting rid of the thing.

Do people actually care? Is it a lot of noise from grandstanding politicians? Is May just trying to win back some Daily Heil readers?

Sound off folks.

  • People should be able to work in a safe environment
  • Honestly mate, I just don’t care.
  • It’s outrageous, health & safety gone mad!!

0 voters

As I said in a previous thread, if they kept the bongs going through the worst the Hitlerites could throw at us, then surely they can be kept bonging for Britain through Brexit?

This is a load of bullshit

Some fucking stupid journo has found a way of leading the agenda. Who gives a fuck. Maybe they should put the twat up in the clock tower when it is striking twelve and see if he changes his tune

Quite why May has got drawn on this god only knows. All she had to say was it is in the purview of the Speaker of the House who she beleived was following the advice of H&S professionals. go speak to him


can’t hear it from Southampton so don’t care :lou_sunglasses:

The news won’t be the same without the bongs.

(Although from I hear Huw Edwards has his own - genuine itk)