Boxing Day

So is Boxing Day on 28th December this year, or the 26th? Or is it on the 27th? I’m confused.

I will leave you to sort it between you. :lou_facepalm_2:

It is and always will be the 26th December directly after Christmas day any other day is a holiday due to it being a weekend.


This was ALWAY my thoughts until those on that other board made me thing otherwise!! My Radio Times always says Boxing Day on 26th!!! That is gospal!

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Originally posted by @Sfcsim

Originally posted by @PhilippineSaint

It is and always will be the 26th December directly after Christmas day any other day is a holiday due to it being a weekend.

This was ALWAY my thoughts until those on that other board made me thing otherwise!! My Radio Times always says Boxing Day on 26th!!! That is gospal!

The other board will argue that black is white until they are blue in the face doesn’t make them right of course, and then some will just keep it up until you leave at the frustration of it all.

Originally posted by @PhilippineSaint

It is and always will be the 26th December directly after Christmas day any other day is a holiday due to it being a weekend.

Exactly!! New Years Day and Xmas Day don’t change just because they fall on a weekend, so what’s the difference. 27th or 28th is just a gash Bank Holiday Monday, not Boxing Day.

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Originally posted by @trousers


Bad boy Trousers, bad boy!!

Hooray. trousers finally picked up the badge I made for him!

Going to be an early start on the 26th for me. No doable trains, so have to stay off the sauce on Christmas Day to drive down in the morn*

*Plan B involves getting plastered and being in bed for 6pm :slight_smile:

Plan B is a goer for sure.

Originally posted by @trousers


Can I take the credit for awaking the main Trousers? Hello sir!!

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How dare you downvote trousers. you bastards? You should be rolling out the red carpet for him, asking him if he wants a nice cup of tea, etc.

I am saddened by this, and have upvoted him to reverse your scurrilous chicanery.


Deserves a downvote for displaying the Thatch


Show some respect you overly happy chap…

You downvoted me?.. humbug! - The Wicked Witch is a hideoius abomination and has no place in this haven of peace and tranquility - especially not at this time of year when we should be rejoicing and making merry.

I almost hate to say this, but Lord Trousers is technically correct. For some reason or other, no doubt lost in the mists of time, Boxing Day cannot fall on a weekend. So it always falls on the first non-weekend day after Christmas Day; this year that day happens to be the 28th December.

That said, I strongly suspect that this distinciton is already fading with time - in fact, this thread indicates quite clearly that this is happening. At some point in the not-too-distant future, everybody will simply call the 26th December Boxing Day, regardless of what day of the week it is.

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Anyone know of any good Boxing Day traditions? One that I know of (and I’m sure that ericofarabia will back me up) is in Wigan. People go out in fancy dress.

Family Goat play bingo.

True story.

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We have a fry up, just what you need the day after Christmas. We use up all the cold meat, fry up all the veg and pig out, while getting drunk, then go for an afternoon walk!!!

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New Years Eve, me and the wife play scrabble ever year, this year being joined by my sister-in-law and bro-in-law… yea they now have children. Me and my wife have never had a Christmas or New Years Eve without Children and we met on 15th February!!

Special mention must surely go to the Big Boxing Day Dump, the day when the accumulated contents of your intestinal tract decide to shit out the last 24 hours of overindulgence.

I think Jack Dee once quipped that if you found a sewage outlet in the Channel on Boxing Day, you could walk to France :slight_smile:


Tis indeed correct dear boy.

The feast of Stephen, always falls upon the 26th December irresepctive of the day of the week, as with other Saint’s days

Boxing Day apparently stems from the tradition of the tradesmen getting their ‘Christmas box’ of gifts the day AFTER christmas day. (No doubt using the tradesman’s entrance :lou_is_a_flirt:) However, it is always a bank holiday so if Christmas day falls on a Friday or Saturday, then it falls on the Monday… however, it would apear that it has now become the accepted term for teh day after Christmas day…which is wrong, but frankly do we really give a f… darlings?