:brexit: Brexit - The Ramifications

The French company making our new super blue passports have released a sample


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AggregateIQ: the obscure Canadian tech firm and the Brexit data riddle.


I see Barry Gardiner has termed Keir Starmer’s “exact same benefits” Brexit as “bollocks”.

Good. It is.

And in the same breath, critiques Labour’s muddled position.

Because of course, the Conservatives are marching in lockstep to the same beat.

Read between the lines. There has been persistent talk of a new party, which Blair was planning on launching back in 2017 after Corbyn got eviscerated. Whoops.

We’ve got a long running thread documenting division in the Labour Party. What does your observation add to the understanding developed there?

It adds about as much as your original observation

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This thread is here to catalogue the various comings and goings of the Brexit process, my good man.

Unfortunately I was not able to post this news before it broke because I was unaware of it, just as I am unaware of any other report of this event.

Have I missed all the fun? Have high profile Labour peeps been in the news for the last two weeks, calling Keir Starmer’s position “bollocks”?

Tsk. Always the last to find out :lou_sunglasses:

Regarding this so called new centrist party, which Tony Blair assures us he will not be the leader of, is being established by a company called ‘Project One Movement’ which is expected to be the vehicle for the new party. And on the board of directors of Project New Movement? Why it’s young Euan Blair. Well blow me down with a feather! Tony Blair has denied any involvement with the group. Course not Tony, course not.


Tim Shipman, Tory to the core, wrote a very decent book about the 2017 General Election.

The original plan was for Tony to launch his “grassroots” movement just after the election. He absolutely could not be seen at the head of it, hence the grassroots lie. This was supposed to be a mass movement after the crushing of Corbyn.

The crushing did not happen, but as we all know, Tony doesn’t let facts get in his way, even if he’s setting fire to Middle East.

What we have now is a “grassroots” movement with 50m in the bank.

Like they all do :lou_facepalm_2:


I’m up for starting a grass roots movement. Anyone got the Middle East peace envoys number?

And don’t take the piss out of his title please, he only helped start illegal wars so his future job wasn’t made redundant before he even got started. A true future thinker our Tony*.

*Also known as liar, mass murder, cunt and many many more. None suitable for young children’s ears.

That job title is the Establishment fucking trolling the public.

They like to do that sometimes.

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Didn’t know where to put this (Brexit or Tories in trouble) but Macron is currently sucking American cock whilst addressing a joint session of the US congress.

He’s going down a storm and looks like he’s stepping up to offer continuity of relationship with the EU.

He’s smart and speaks well and he’s willing to kiss Trump’s arse as well as his face.

But he’s also waving a socialist and green flag. Fair play.

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Hopefully this will stop, always said its a race to drive down the wokers wage.

Not quite sure what this has to do with Brexit.

its been going on for years now. There was a panorama programme about it just the other day.

On panorama, also watching the dirty money£90 billion approx London takes in from illegal practices a year, send the money off to Frankfurt, washing Ukranian gangsters moneys, Chelsea and Kinghtsbridge are the UK’s headquarters of laundered money. London sponges off the UK and then takes in dirty money, you couldn’t make it up.

McMaffia says differently.

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I don’t know what value this has after the shocking revelation that @bathsaint married a racist’s sister (which of course, is decisive in a way the treatment of Greece just wasn’t).

Still, if there is anything I have learned from the Remain camp, its not to give up. Take this highly articulate interview as an example.

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Now that’s an interesting term
