Can you separate the art from the artist?

…Phil, you’ve been hacked mate…

…and someone is posting about sexual morality using your account.


I have morals

and standards

a lot of them low

but they exist

but some things are even below me.


Can read all of the thread but think I understand it in general.

  1. We all can. Tadic is very obviously a complete dick but we all want him to succeed every sat. He is not a sex offender like bletch but he is a knob and we all sing his name.

  2. My mate works in video media and Spacey is well known for a) being gay and b) being a bit rapey to young men. Not to children but young guys starting out in film theatre. Very touchy feely and overly forward. Think bear at the work Christmas party.

And where do you stand* on Labrador sex?

I’ll pitch it up and you knock it out of the park.

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Biting your cock off?

And yours has been bitten off how many times?

Egon Schiele wasanother one who painting was facinating but… well er… only this one seems postable - he was also known for predator like nastiness

Many of the best artists in history were ‘tortured souls’ who did a lot of unusual and some downright disgusting stuff. There are theories that some artistic geniuses need to have a differently wired brain in order to access all that amazing creative potential.

I don’t think it makes their art any less brilliant, but it says a lot about a society that will allow this shit to go on just to get a watchable movie or a catchy album. As soon as their behaviour came to light they should have been dealt with appropriately by society.


“Albert Arial” convicted sado-masochist, besteo-fetishist and all round nasty piece of work.

Try “Comic Sans” :lou_wink_2:

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Bit weird that we still don’t know who the bigger villain is yet.

Kevin Spacey or Keyzer Soze.

Brian Singer was referenced in the film An Open Secret too.

When Anthony Rapp gave his account of what happened in 1985, my first thought was fucking hell, he looks young “now”. Got one of those baby faces that makes him look around ten years younger. He’s 46 and looks as if he’s in his thirties in Star Trek Discovery. I doubt he looked fourteen when he was that age.

Folk on my mother’s estate are pretty tight lipped when it comes to revealing information to the authorities. The only thing that people will grass anyone up on is suspected child abuse. No-one likes a nonce.

I expect that most can disengage from the art and the artist, but there are a fair few that can’t. I’m a huge fan of physical stuntwork, so when I’m watching movies that use a lot of it, I can’t help being taken out of the movie a little bit and thinking about the actual production. I’m sure that most will continue to see Spacey’s body of work as decent; it really is. But it’s also indelibly tainted, because you know that these stories you’re so engaged in serve as the facade that keeps serial abusers in power, and unreported.

Byron fucked his sister.

So the answer to the question is yes but you have to die first.

At least my derma-collage will be appreciated when I’m gone :lou_sad:


You read the same Guardian article :laughing:

Design guru, became a strict Catholic, moved to Wales, started wearing hassocks and had sex with his dog :slight_frown:

Generally speaking I can separate out the art from the artist. And even if I can’t there’s an argument that we go to art to experince elements of life from a completely other point of view.

But I make exceptions for a couple of things. So, where somebody’s world view is explicitly objectionable and not revealing anything to me except what a dick they are (I won’t listen to Morrissey’s UKIP bollocks anymore).

And where funding that artist directly funds activities that I’m opposed to. So e.g. musicians like Boyd Rice ( ).

I don’t think we can.

On a personal level, I used to love Stuart Hall’s reporting, but if he reappeared on radio I would now turn it off.

Ditto Lost Prophets, and Gary Glitter - there was harmless fun in hearing some of his stuff at a Christmas party, but his actions have killed his back catalogue.

You can’t ignore the crimes to enjoy the art - and god help anyone who invested their pension in Rolf Harris paintings.

Might be a good time to invest in them

If the dog and daughter shagging artist above can maintain some popularity for his work, then sure as shit Rolf’s work will appreciate over time when memories fade.

Crossing two threads here but I think it’s relevant. when it comes to weinstein (and I know he isn’t really an artist, more just the money man) I don’t think I’ll have too many problems avoiding his back catalogue, maybe on a sub-conscious level I have already been taking the moral high ground against him over the last 12 years by not watching the vast majority (Tarantino’s efforts being pretty much the only exception).

weinstein company films

I don’t find it easy to answer this question. The reality is I listen to music by lots of people who were complete shits. But over time, I sort of forget about it. Frank Sinatra for example.

Some people’s misdemeanors have a bigger impact on me, and it definitely ruins their art. But others’ I guess I’m charmed by their output, and I’m more forgiving. I’m sure if I delved deeper into my psyche there would be a pattern in terms of what triggers a reaction either way.