🇨🇳 China crisis?

File under “it was going to happen eventually”.

Decades of US military build-up, particularly with respect to the missile defence system, have forced the Chinese to deploy nuclear submarines into the Pacific for the first time.

The Chinese military is poised to send submarines armed with nuclear missiles into the Pacific Ocean for the first time, arguing that new US weapons systems have so undermined Beijing’s existing deterrent force that it has been left with no alternative.

Chinese military officials are not commenting on the timing of a maiden patrol, but insist the move is inevitable.

They point to plans unveiled in March to station the US Thaad anti-ballistic system in South Korea, and the development of hypersonic glide missiles potentially capable of hitting China less than an hour after launch, as huge threats to the effectives of its land-based deterrent force.

I am personally not surprised by this, perhaps surprised that it has taken so long. There is a lot of stuff going on in the background - the US is trying to consolidate a false position of being the world’s only superpower. The BRICS countries are a huge blocker on that, representing the huge mass of people that they do.

Russia is surrounded by US military bases on its borders, Brazil’s left wing president has been ousted recently and now China feels it needs to deploy nuclear subs to curtail what it sees as aggressive posturing by the US.

The danger, of course, is that something goes off. The Chinese have never had boomers in the Pacific before. Apparently, each UK Trident commander has a sealed letter to crack open in case London is ever destroyed. Our commanders have dealt with the responsiblity for decades. Will the Chinese be as calm and considered as we appear to have been (a claim made on the basis that we’re all still here)?


From my side of the world and the news that I get admittedly is mostly European stuff but the other asian nations are worried as fuck about the Chinese encroaching IE the Spratley islands and then making man made islands and putting landing strips on them. The filipino’s see it as the Chinese wanting to take over similar to what the Japanese did in WWII

The thing about the Spratly Islands is that they’re in the South China Sea and highly contested as it is.

The fact remains that any South East Asian power has more right to be there than the US.

Phew, for one minute I thought they had scrapped their ‘Super bus’

As many have said, ‘What could go wrong’?

On that I dont deny you are correct but the nations like the Philippines rely on the Americans for support as they do not have an Army / Navy / Airforce of any note due to the Americans when they held sway over the islands not allowing them to have any. It also looks as if the Americans will be invited back into Subic Bay as a naval base and it is not long ago that they left.

I liked China Crisis.

Any idea why they never seem to tour on those 80’s Rewind events that keep Rick Astley alive?


Yet more impending doom in the world.

The world is broken.

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Originally posted by @pap

File under “it was going to happen eventually”.

Decades of US military build-up, particularly with respect to the missile defence system, have forced the Chinese to deploy nuclear submarines into the Pacific for the first time.

The Chinese military is poised to send submarines armed with nuclear missiles into the Pacific Ocean for the first time, arguing that new US weapons systems have so undermined Beijing’s existing deterrent force that it has been left with no alternative.

Chinese military officials are not commenting on the timing of a maiden patrol, but insist the move is inevitable.

They point to plans unveiled in March to station the US Thaad anti-ballistic system in South Korea, and the development of hypersonic glide missiles potentially capable of hitting China less than an hour after launch, as huge threats to the effectives of its land-based deterrent force.

I am personally not surprised by this, perhaps surprised that it has taken so long. There is a lot of stuff going on in the background - the US is trying to consolidate a false position of being the world’s only superpower. The BRICS countries are a huge blocker on that, representing the huge mass of people that they do.

Russia is surrounded by US military bases on its borders, Brazil’s left wing president has been ousted recently and now China feels it needs to deploy nuclear subs to curtail what it sees as aggressive posturing by the US.

The danger, of course, is that something goes off. The Chinese have never had boomers in the Pacific before. A pparently, each UK Trident commander has a sealed letter to crack open in case London is ever destroyed. Our commanders have dealt with the responsiblity for decades. Will the Chinese be as calm and considered as we appear to have been (a claim made on the basis that we’re all still here)?


Now that would be an interesting read.

“Launch the fucking lot.”



The penny will drop on here eventually, China and Russia are rogue nations.

The penny dropped on here ages ago.

I think we should just bundle all your prejudices into one thread. “Forinners that Barry don’t like”

Its totalitarian fascist states I don’t like you inbred, not its citizens.

Can you have a Communist fascist state?

No issue with a Communist totalitarian state, but it wouldn’t be fascist.

I think the Osborne Book of Junior Political Terminology is on sale at Amazon. Want me to get you a copy?

Why wouldn’t it be fascist? Do I have to teach you once again, I recall when you couldn’t understand what the extreme left were and all who wanted to leave or questioned the EU were somehow far right, yes yes the good old Pap days of Saints Web, I remember.

Of course you can, was Stalin only a communist?

Because fascism is the union of right wing totalitarian power with corporate interests?

Because fascism and communism were diametrically opposed ideologies?

Yes but it’s a tad more nuanced than that, fuck sake you can be a hardline communist but still show fascist tendencies, Pol Pot? Idi Amin? Franco? I am not going to invoke Godwins law but him also. They weren’t one sphere of ideology, I can teach you but you’ll have to buy my milkshake when I bring it to the yard.
You really are politically ignorant aren’t you?

This is a bit like your “definition” of the word “liberal”, isn’t it Barry?

Both communist and fascist states can be totalitarian. That rather covers your other examples.

GCSE history should teach you the rest.

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I can’t even begin to understand this whataboutery, it also writes like you’re agreeing with me.