Coup in Turkey

Is Turkey becoming more homophobic and fascist under Erdogan? What can the West do to combat such attacks? Is this cultural or religion or both? Terrible and sad all the same and we must shine a light on things like this especially as Turkey wants to be seen as more open then other neighbours in the World.

The national bird of Turkey is the redwing. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I still find it such an interesting factioid.

So it does have a bearing.

And I’m not talking about the phrase “bearing” to mean “receive a seeing to from Dr Brian Earsy.”

This is a bit worrying. It looks like the Turkish are going to vote to give Erdogan increased power, with the opposition saying its all a fix. Three people shot outside polling stations in apprarent arguments over how they were going to vote. Surely this is crazy? To hand so much more control to a man who has sacked half the public sector and imprisoned the rest (I may check for actual figures later, but it’s a lot). Incidently, the voting is 52% for madness and 48% against.

Let them get on with it, I am sure we’ll find a way to blame the West for this cuddly little rogue strangling of human rights and stability in the region.

52 % per cent vs 48 % sounds a bit familiar


Just like turkeys voting for Christmas :santa:

If we’d voted 52% to Remain, Turkey would soon be one of our co-member states.

It’s already fucking ridiculous that they’re a member of NATO.

All this means is a Turkish dictator will stick two fingers up to a Russian one, who will the liberals blame?

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I don’t remember that during the referendum. You’re saying if we had voted to remain, Turkey was allowed in. Did anyone tell the rest of Europe, Mr Farage?

I’m looking forward to watching all the countries that blew up Dictators and caused such a mess of the world queuing up to “recognise” Erdogan

I’m sure the Kurds will be at the head of the queue.

Turkey imprisons more journalists than most other countries. It also has no compunction about ploughing into its Kurdish population. Erdogan is an authoritarian that we overlook for strategic purposes, and has taken time out to whip up a bit of anti-European hate in his quest to get these referendum measures passed.

Despite all that, the EU has been courting Turkey for some time. Ford was granted an 80m loan to move its operations there.

Beyond the approximate numbers, any suggestion that this poll, essentially a greenlight for enabling powers, is a bit like the EU poll, is the Bank Holiday chuckle of the day.

This is reassuring from the head of the electoral body in Turkey

But Mr Guven told reporters on Monday the unstamped ballot papers had been produced by the High Electoral Board and were valid.

nothing to be concerned about there, all seems above board.

I’m sure the liberals will blame the West somewhere.

I’ve highlighted it, seeing as you appear to have missed what i meant.

What’s going on pap? It’s not showing the highlighted bit, but when i try to edit it’s still there, but not when i come back here. I’m confused again :lou_sad:

It’s highlighted for me @saint-or-sinner

OK thanks. All i’m seeing, is from my original reply onwards.

Look, it’s the will of the people.

The referendum was won by a clear majority of 1.5%

The majority are always right. So the unpatriotic remoaners should suck it up and keep quiet.

If the majority wanted an autocracy they must be correct!

That’s how it works, isn’t it Brexiters?

Already there are noises coming from the EU regarding Turkey now almost certainly restoring the death penalty, which will, of course, immediately put the kybosh on any ambitions they may have had about joining the community. But, of course, this is one of the benefits of ‘taking back control’. The Mail and Sun newspapers have already started murmering about it, some of the more swivel eyed right wing MPs have been making enthusiastic noises. And there is no doubt whatsoever that if a referendum was called here for the restoration of the death penalty, after the Sun and Mail had done their best during the campaign, it would be restored. But that’s OK, it’s the will of the people. Taking back control! Anyone who doubts this could happen is deluding themselves.

The reality now, is that we are aligned with Trump, our government is falling over itself to ingratiate themself with him on our behalf. Donald finds the key to the Pentagon toy box, drops the MOAB on Afghanistan, launches a ludicrous attack on Syria with cruise missiles in supposed retaliation for 'Evil Assad" dropping naughty chemicals on ‘beautiful babies’. Even though everyone knows that chemical weapon attacks in Syria are done by the western backed rebels. While most of the rest of the civilized world are, rightly, sceptical at best, and downright critical at worst, our lot are gushing in their praise of Trump’s actions. Sycophantic doesn’t even come close.

Turkey is heading backwards at lightning speed, any hope they may have had about joining the wider, civilized EU community have surely gone. It is only a matter of time before they have a caliphate. Even though they are members of NATO, courtesy of their sponsors, the USA. Who, of course, only have the interests of European countries at heart! So we have the USA, Turkey, and good old UK, standing in proud defiance of the undemocratic EU, taking back control!

Makes you proud to be British! :lou_sad: