Coup in Turkey

I’ve been doing some background reading and some fact checking of my basic recollection of things. Turkey has traditionally been a strong ally in the region, particularly in having decent relations with Israel. I remember that changing, and it was because nine Turkish citizens were killed in the condemned flotilla raids. That completely changed Erdogan’s stance on that relationship.

I’ve just been reading an article that suggests that bridges were being mended by Erdogan on a number of international fronts. Link here.

Most coups are foreign sponsored. Which potentially improved relationship would a hypothetical instigator be trying to wreck?

Pap you are sounding like the rest of them on here, there could be US interference but what would they genuinely get out of it? I can’t believe any democracy truly wants or needs an unstable Turkey, huge game if this was a faux coup or one instigated by outside sources, both have mileage BUT we’ll probably never be truly privy to all of the information, are we ever?

Turkey possibly improving relations with Russia and Israel I suspect will happen now the Russians have pulled out of Syria.

Also Turkey is broke from sanctions, having a coup gives the locals something to think about.

Trouble with Erdogan is he’s such a fucking hypocrite. I appreciate his [at least rhetorical] support against israel for the rights of Palestians - but in the same breath - he is going all israel on the Kurds. :lou_angry: :lou_facepalm_2:


You don’t know someone high up in the Turkish military too?..

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US and Nato have bases in Turkey launching attacks into Syria right? That has to have some bearing on the situation surely.

I’ll get onto my contact in Finch Farm he’ll sort it.

Why would that have a bearing?

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @JBoy

US and Nato have bases in Turkey launching attacks into Syria right? That has to have some bearing on the situation surely.

Why would that have a bearing?

I was asking other posters with a modicum of intelligence.

No you weren’t you were making pseudo statements without adding anything, what bearing? You ask a question and then make a statement, thats dumb as it is up your own arse, most people know that the US are based there much to the areas chargrin, your grab on World affairs is lacking or rhetorical, you can choose, I’d go for rhetorical and I’ll give you that so don’t ask if you know just give an opinion of why it has a bearing, fuck me dead.

It’s had a bearing for some time, particularly in us turning a blind eye to Turkey’s human rights issues with the Kurds. The military bases would also be a component of the US’ present containment strategy against Russia.

To say they piss off Russia is an understatement.

Is Turkey becoming more homophobic and fascist under Erdogan? What can the West do to combat such attacks? Is this cultural or religion or both? Terrible and sad all the same and we must shine a light on things like this especially as Turkey wants to be seen as more open then other neighbours in the World.

The national bird of Turkey is the redwing. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I still find it such an interesting factioid.

So it does have a bearing.

And I’m not talking about the phrase “bearing” to mean “receive a seeing to from Dr Brian Earsy.”

This is a bit worrying. It looks like the Turkish are going to vote to give Erdogan increased power, with the opposition saying its all a fix. Three people shot outside polling stations in apprarent arguments over how they were going to vote. Surely this is crazy? To hand so much more control to a man who has sacked half the public sector and imprisoned the rest (I may check for actual figures later, but it’s a lot). Incidently, the voting is 52% for madness and 48% against.

Let them get on with it, I am sure we’ll find a way to blame the West for this cuddly little rogue strangling of human rights and stability in the region.

52 % per cent vs 48 % sounds a bit familiar


Just like turkeys voting for Christmas :santa:

If we’d voted 52% to Remain, Turkey would soon be one of our co-member states.

It’s already fucking ridiculous that they’re a member of NATO.