Crisps in sandwiches

A delicious way to add crunch to the humble sandwich… or a fucking common abomination?

you decide


Marmite sandwich with salt and vinegar mccoys, oooooh yeeeaahhhhh :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

A delicious way to add crunch to the humble sandwich… or a fucking common abomination?

you decide

sometimes it’s just gotta be done.


It is perfectly acceptable and anyone who says otherwise is a gimp


Salt and vinegar crisp sandwiches are fantastic, bug only if the crisps have strong flavour.

I love a good old sandwich thread.


Common crips sandwich eaters…

However, this might meet my high classy standards

Crayfish, Rocket and Burts hand cooked… This I would forgive you common tarts

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I have a good crisp recipe:

1 x bag of mccoys salt and vinegar

1 x bag of mccoys flame grilled steak

Mix in suitable sized bowl, BAM! Steak and chips flavour crisps.


Crisp butties … It’s a yes from me

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Definitely a great addition to a sandwich - Tuna mayo + crisps is a thing of culinary beauty…

But a warning, don’t stick Doritos in and have the sandwich about an hour later, it’s like someone has stuck wet cardboard in there.

And beware using Twiglets, one of those fuckers will have your teeth out.

You deserve a downviote for having the audacity to even mention satan’s putrid arse scabs in the same thread as the crips sandwich thread…be warned

Plain crisps with a healthy dollop of Worcester sauce lovely :lou_lol:

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Hold on a minute my furry little friend. Twiglets are a thing of beauty, best designed to be eaten by the tub whilst drinking Christmas Ales and watching repeats of Only Fools and Horses.

This is what Jesus would have wanted his legacy to be.


Interspersed with cheese footballs and after eights.

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This is why we had a Fat Club thread earlier in the year.

Just sayin’

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Prawn and potato salad sandwiches dear boy…one sits in the Chapel Stand muching them at every home game donchknow.

Crisps…WTF are they?

I appear to be alone in having major issues with crisps in sandwiches.

Ditto chips.

Carb + carb = too much stodge.

no, no, no, no, no Chip butty with plenty of butter and HP sauce mmmmm

Fish finger sandwiches…mmmmmm.

No crisps required - as sandwich expert Phil Collins once said.


And there folks is the important thing to remember. Eat yor sarnie and crisp combo as soon as possible if you want a nice combination of textures rather a papiermache pulp.

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