Dimesmeric Andersonphosphate and its effects on the Shatner's Bassoon

I would love to join this thread but am clearly too thick to understand what the thread title means, so I’ll just go and find some more prog rock to put on the music thread.

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I think SWDP is contradicting himself - I think it is clear? from his OP that substance abuse is rife where he lives

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No, you’d do much better to read the thread and fully understand it. Really, you would. :lou_lol:


I got it immediately :lou_sunglasses:


A second can feel like a month


I want to know what affect it is actually having on Captin Kirk’s woodwind instrument!!!

At least it doesnt involve a pink oboe.


I expect you did. I was going to downvote @stickywhitedovepiss for his superfluous apostrophe and the spelling of bassoon, but I found a nice big yellow piece of cake and was climbing the walls for hours.


Originally posted by pap

I expect you did. I was going to downvote @stickywhitedovepiss for his superfluous apostrophe and the spelling of bassoon, but I found a nice big yellow piece of cake and was climbing the walls for hours.

For the record I updated this title before Paps comment above. Pap used some kind of forum spy software to instantly report back edits to thread titles and posts. At least we now know what he is capable of. I’m pretty sure he stores and reads the unposted uncompleted comments we enter in the comment boxes as well. Beware.

As Roy Walker used to say, it’s good, but it’s not right.

In this particular case, your wicked little scheme was undone by a functioning memory and an aversion to mispelt words. I try to ignore it, and I certainly manage that most of the time in public, but the mind remembers.

Thank you for crediting me with such superb tools of surveillance though. I’m genuinely flattered.

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That don’t seem v.likely tbh. I mean, that the poorest part of Estonia is more wealthy than i.e. Staffordshire.

Is Estonia in Northern Europe?

Its not in Northern Europe according to the grey shaded region in the picture in the tweet. Not sure why half of Denmark is missing. Reading wikipedia, definition of northern Europe is wishy washy. Probably best to ignore reference to northern Europe in tweet and just consider grey areas. Which is probably damning enough seeing as it includes France and Germany.

It’s a good graphic and I retweeted it, but the devil is in the details.

Do this on a more granular basis than “regions” and I reckon there’d be a more distributed result.

Since this has been daubed a British bashing thread. What the fuck is this all about:

What the fuck is it with uniforms at work and shoes to get into nightclubs in Britain generally? Why do people put up with this shit. Also scanning of ID’s into pub and nightclub databases. How is it acceptable that some fucking dodgy nightclub owner has my name, address and visage details stored in their database. How does Bearsy (for example) know he is not going to get blackmailed when he cops off with someone he maybe shouldnt in said nightclub. Or how does he know the nightclub is not going to share his details with the brothel round the corner so they can blackmail him. How is this legal and why are people not more fucked off about it? How the fuck is it reasonable to reject entry to a 60 year old bloke who forgot to bring his ID for a night out. What the fuck is wrong with you people???

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Maybe that’s why they voted for change?

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Because chopping your balls off because you’re not getting enough pussy is of course the best solution.

Because it’s obviously the EU’s fault those places are so poor. Nothing to do with the cunts who run our country.

These cunts are some of the cunting cunts that are cunting up our cunting country, they’re our very own homegrown aristocratic cunts. They’re going to lose some EU subsidies sure, but it’s petty cash to them.

And it’s actually not possible to practically access the real ownership data and people fawn over the royal family. What a mother fucking joke.


And the remainder of the UK population has been conditioned not to question or rebel against inequality or the establishment.

Baby George started school today. £18k a year for a 3 year old or whatever. You got to start telling them they’re special early on.