Elections to the Sotonians Soviet

Seriously, if anyone should be judging this out of me and @tokyo-saint , it’s me. I called the Bellew result, not him.

I suspect I’m going to have a serious advantage in the coming years. He seemingly knows almost nothing of Rocky films, or Eddie Hearn’s apparent attempts to turn the UK into a combination of Vegas, Mickey’s Gym and WWE.

I’ll be the boxing expert for a while yet :lou_lol:

If the jury’s rigged as it seems to be, the Croquet Lawns of England will be in a ferment. :lou_angry:

Fermented lawns?

Ah so that’s how they make Brewdog

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I doubt I’ll be in the Soviet but if I do then I would like to see if we could have a way of making sure that when we start threads there are a few checks

  • Well that interesting but are you sure?

  • Are you really really sure you want to start that?

  • Really?

  • Just check again and make sure you really have thought about this?

  • oh ok. You are persistent. Go for it.


Good to see an influx of new members over recent days huh! :slight_smile:

Thanks spudders but I can’t claim all of the credit for attracting new members. There was a peak yesterday when Barry announced he had been interfered with by Donna Summers. You just can’t complete with that kind of promotional work.

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So, have we had a result yet (can’t be arsed to check back on the thread)?

If not, I demand a re-run, but not until after the general election though. Can’t have too much excitement now can we…

the results were called last week, Cobby. I’m your new master.

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Shall I assume the position young master?


How the hell did I miss this?

My best guess would be that you were playing golf with Obama and Leo Sayer and didn’t log in cause you had to go straight to karaoke cause Obama was inisting on singing ‘I did it my way’ before Erik sung the Jonny Rotten version and ruined it for everyone.

Am I close?


Golf? These days? With my knees?

To put a curve ball in - tbh aro 3 weeks ago I was attending an End of Life Party in UK. A BFF got told he had Liver Cancer days before the EFL final so he had an old fashioned Village Hall Party to say goodbye to everyone.

Actually the only part of the trip that was an emotional disaster was going to watch Saints at SMS.

But yeah, close


Oh and he moved into a Hospice Monday.

Fuck Cancer and God Bless the McMillan Foundation.

And yes, first time in 24 years I have hated not being in England.

Onwards and upwards


Sorry to hear that Phil :frowning: I agree, fuck cancer!

Hey @dubai_phil , sorry to hear about your friend and sorry for the unashamed opportunism but if you want to give something back to MacMillan

Sponsor my 38 mile ride for Macmillan

It’s a story that will make my golf tales pale into insignificance, for the next time I get to the Pub for a game.

Suffice to say, his (last) business was in the field of advanced IT security. He pulled some stuff together and in a few short weeks will be close to doing some stuff and some tech that should be raising a 7 figure sum for that charity. I’ve pitched my bit in and so thanks for the offer but I’m spent.

The lesson I have learnt - live life, avoid stress, make time and love your family. His speech at his party is heart wrenching yet inspiring. I recorded it and will FB it when the time comes, then I should be able to copy it to here.

Now. Back to Voting

It truly is Soviet Era. Votes and no results. Epic


But in normal circumstances you would actually have been right :cool:

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I was away for a while so I may have missed it… but I’m eagerly awaiting the results of the Sotonians Soviet election still! I can’t wait! (This is, of course, assuming that it hasn’t been brushed under the carpet, but like I say, I may have missed it.)


It’s declared null and void due to voting irregularities.


Careful who you’re calling irregularities big man

Pap said it would definitely be in place by the start of the new season, Bletch said he would stand by his word in quit if it wasn’t. Here we are now. There is less integrity on here than in the Catholic church and similar amounts of choir boys. I am not expecting much.