
I deleted myself from Facebook 7 years ago, i haven’t missed it.

Have never had an account…

I hate Facebook, but I couldn’t be without it. I’m not much of a conversationalist so it keeps me up to date with friends and family in the UK in between visits.


If you have a hobbies it’s good for networking. If you have a family it’s good for keeping in touch.

I haven’t had adverts on my FB page for about 8 years as I have a free Ap that allows you to tailor the appearance of your FB page. It’s long been known that you shouldn’t do the innane FB quiz pages…they are “play school easy” and farm your profile information.

As long as you’re Inernet savvy it’s fine…if you’re not stay away from it.


Had a few myself, both hairy and bald. Oh sorry, must remember to put my glasses on next time … :see_no_evil:

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With friends and family all over the world it is a God send.

I limit my friends to actual friends but because we have a different understand g of the internet I am careful what I post or say. Mainly life is fun or positive waves or funny shit.

Really useful when you have new arrivals or illness in the family. Much easier than instagram

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And no I have NEVER done one of those surveys. Can’ believe people are that gullible


If the education systems of the world are so bad that they cannot teach people how to find information then the planet deserves Fox News et Al.


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I had a link on my email to Facebook to a positive news story.


The comments are quite sickenng and a little depressing

They are sad, people have had enough but that doesn’t and will not excuse people trying to do good things, as I have said all along, women, children and gays should be brought in straight away and as many as we can take, after that no more and men join the queue.

I don’t use Facebook, but had an email message asking me to wish someone a happy brthday. The comments of people are fucking awful.

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Sadly it shows what utter ignorant cunts there are in this world… judging by the fact that some don’t seem to be able to write a coherent sentance, its not surprizing though… What is, the viciousness of some of the responses given the context of the story… a simple act of kindness… Seems to me that more folks seem prepared to air their idiocy in recent months…

It’s a great way to cull your ‘friends’ list.

Anyone posting dodgy political links or making comments like that is, as they say in social media land, history.

You learn a lot about people when they think that being behind a keyboard gives them freedom to express their true thoughts.


"Gave up " Facebook last year. can honestly say that living without constant updates of “friends” gastronomic exploits or their own little Dougie Howsers acheivements has been a joy

I use FB to network with my friends and aquaintances in my hobby and general interests. I don’t do outside news feeds etc because that lays you open to the “Ugly Great Unwashed” as you can see in the link provided.

FB is whatever you make it…you do have control in who and what you let in if you know how to use it properly. However most people don’t know how to tailor it to their needs.


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‘lying is bad’, thanks for that nugget Mark. It’s a shame AOC only got 5 minutes with him but she makes the most of it.