Flies – Do they get the Sh**y end of the stick?

I was sitting in my hermetically sealed, air-conditioned nourishment intake pod on my holiday last week and noticed a single solitary fly crawling up the window.

It got me thinking on how this sight is now something worthy of note. It seems to be a rarity bred of a paranoia relating to intruders into the average sterile hygiene obsessed life. We’re no different at home; we seem to have a can of “Raid” in every room in the house, should a mucky footed intruder dare to enter our living space.

This was a single solitary fly…no social life, no real home to go to, no comfort within a loving family group…he was in this nourishment intake pod looking for a morsel to eat yet we begrudge him the very basics of human rights.

Is it time to rehabilitate the reputation of the humble house-fly?

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By and large they get the sticky end of the shit

I share my newspaper with them.

They normally get my electronic tennis racquet, the cracking sound as you get the big ones is very satisfying.

There are no flies on me!

Thought this was another anal sex thread.

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Give it time. :lou_wink:

Originally posted by @Sadoldgit

There are no flies on me!

I’m sure they’ll be back in the summer… :lou_lol:

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I never see any, but do hear them as they fly headlong into my attractive bright light system in the corner, whereupon they get electrocuted. Given that that they are lonely and without a social life I think I am doing them a huge favour with my purpose purchased fly instant frying device.

It’s summer, you are just getting off to sleep…and then a bloody fly starts buzzing around the room.

They are right up there with fleas and lice as the most annoying thing in the animal kingdom on the size-to-annoyance ratio scale.

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Hmmm…I’m sensing there’s not a love of love for the humble fly. I suppose you realise not being exposed to the clag-infested little creatures makes us, as a species more susceptable to infection from fly-bourne disease.

As a child I spent the first 4 years of my life making and eating mud pies in the back garden. No fridge, just a meat safe and if milk could still be shaken out of the bottle it was fit to drink.

Embrace the fly I say…if we don’t mankind will be wiped out by a flying insect merely sent here to help us.

I feel a fly-blown campaign coming on. :lou_sunglasses:

the bad reputation of the house fly is largely down to Jeff Goldblum. Until he comes out and distances himself from the whole sordid Brundle Fly business it will be hard to move on

NB I know I’m clearly an up vote whore but I was quite chuffed with sticky shit given that it was quite quick

pearls before swine here, pearls before swine

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