Food For Thought

I watched a Horizon programme about the theory of the Multiverse the other day. It said there could be an infinite number of us doing an infinite number of different things in all of the different universes. Following this logic there is a Southampton FC somewhere tapping up VVD from Liverpool, who are a mid table club in another universe. Hmmmm.

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Knowing my luck Soggy I’m probably a pompey fan in that universe :lou_angry:


And I am married to Scarlet Johanssen!


Naa…even with limitless possibilities that’s just not plausible.

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Pap is head of the young Tories and a semi-pro basketball guard. Bletch sports an afro and dresses like a geography teacher.

Mullah Sanchez runs a cultural exchange program in Derby.


Sorry for calling you out on this, @sadoldgit , but it seems like you’ve read neither comics nor science fiction :lou_sunglasses: I suspect you probably haven’t seen Rick and Morty either.

I’ve actually thought about this a lot.

If our universe is something of intelligent construction, then I think it likely. The only reason I can think of for someone to design a universe is to see what happens with it. I must stress that I’m a mortal and not someone in the business of creating universes, but that would be my take.

Now if you’d built a universe to see what happens, wouldn’t linear time be a bit shit? All that effort for one set of permutations? Granted, it’s seemingly huge, but if it were me, I’d want to see all possible outcomes, spinning off alternatives as choice or chaos does its thing.

Shut up and get on with the full court press.

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… or trapped in a loveless gay marriage with Lord Duckhunter


i’d take that over being a pompey fan.


Meh. You don’t know how this works.

In one universe, you’re probably all three and Duckhunter is your brother.

But in one you will be Duckhunter…

Meh yourself, there’s an infinite number of me’s and yous who don’t know how this works. And i’d still take that scenario over being a pompey fan, and I’d let you join in, and you’d enjoy it :lou_wink_2:

You are right Pap. I dont read comics and hardly any SF and couldnt tell you who Rick and Morty are (or were).

Every now and then I delve into things that make my brain hurt until it hurts too much and then I find something to make it feel better again (like porn). A guy I know who works in the electronics business was trying to explain Quantum Physics to me a while back - you know, how two things can be in different places at the same time and the like. So I thought I would give the mutiverse thing a shot. It still makes my head hurt, but then I cant get my head around the Big Bang theory. How can there be nothing and then a whole universe? What does it expand into? What is infinity (and beyond)? Argh! For what it is worth, I think we are still in the very early stages or working out what is going on - a bit like a 21stc Flat Earth Society. 100 years from now people will look back and laugh at us.

I can’t somehow agree to the “Big Bang Theory”

Surely the Giant Turtle that carries the Cosmos must have been seriously injured in the blast. If we’re still riding on his back, WHO came and adminstered first aid?

I bet there is a CB Saint who is massively wealthly, brilliant at everything he does, super cool, generous, kind hearted, attractive, witty and has a massive wanger.

I hate him.

Hello. :lou_lol: