Good knight?

As with so many honours, this simply shows what a steaming pile of poo our honours system is.


Speaking of undeserved honours, are the Sotonians awards happening this year?

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Arise Sir Cnut

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Fucking outmoded anachronism - line 'em all up against the wall and shoot the lot of them

Bloody socialists…

Yours Sincerely

HRH Lord Cobham Saint of Cobham, KFC, McD & Wine-bar

A job for the Soviet?

Is it? Oh well nevermind maybe next year then :lou_wink_2:


I have repeatedly turned down a Kighthood the establishment have tried to foist on me for no apprent reason. When I pointed out I had carried out no selfless service to the community they said that was the very sort of person they were looking for.

I will now have to think carefully should they repeat the offer.

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Listening to all those Calexico records so we don’t have to is pretty selfless :lou_wink_2:

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A colleague suggested today (in jest of course) That I should get an obe for being only worker in my team today. I said I’d refuse it as it’s a load of rubbish / harking back to the empire etc. He felt that was reasonable and made him question it. He’s from Zimbabwe.

Not a clue why Clegg is getting one apart from all suggestions above.




New album out at the end of January. :lou_lol:

The Government should publish the list of people who turned down honours, and the reasons given. That would make for far more interesting reading.

David Bowie, turned down a Knighthood - " I have no interest in that medieval bullshit" is my favourite.

John Cleese. - “They are just silly”.

Ken Loach. - “I turned down an OBE because it’s not a club you want to join when you look at the villains who got it”.

Many many more, the list runs into the hundreds apparantly. Albert Finney turned down a CBE in 1980, then told them to stick it up their arse again when he was offered a Knighthood in 2000. A few surprising names perhaps, Stephen Hawking, Alfred Hitchcock, Nigella Lawson, john Le Carre. Paul Flynn, the Labour MP who is a member of the Select Committee which scrutinized the honours’ process suggested the government should release the names of those who turned down an honour, also suggested they should be dubbed HRH - which stood for “Has Rejected Honour” - because in his view turning down a Knighthood, an OBE or an MBE was “the highest honour of all”.

Amen to that!


I do agree with that but you could imagine The Daily Fail headlines…“Traitors Reject Queen’s Honours”…that fuckin’ rag has the highest circulation to people who can’t think for themselves. Poitical capital to be made there to the great misinformed.

I know.

Posted whilst listening to “The Thread That Keeps Us” beta.


It seems that Theresa May is handing out gongs for political survival. Some big hitters from the 1922 committee are getting knighthoods and damehoods along with Nick.

There are coping mechanisms available.

“…Rick Stein, the restaurateur turned TV presenter, is honoured for services to the economy…”

Really. How? Why?

I’ve been helping the economy for years and not even a mention, in fact I’m off shopping now…


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I worked for one of the only Civil Service departments that sold stuff and made a profit for 30+ years…that deserves recognition. Did I get even an official “Thank You” when I left? Did I fuck.

Maybe the soviet should do a yearly honours list…

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