šŸ“ŗ GOOD SHOWS (no capeshit pls)

Warning, this is a documentary and some of you may have seen it before.

Oliver Stoneā€™s Untold history of the United States. Itā€™s a ten episode run, ranging from the end of the second world war to Obama. Like most histories, heā€™s had to pick and choose what to include, but even so, itā€™s a very decent primer into the sort of shenanigans that the US has gotten up to since the end of the second world war.

Thisā€™ll be no surprise to anyone, but the vast majority of its military actions have certainly been immoral, many even illegal. Many, including Iran in 1953, were simply about advancing the interests of US companies, 50 years before the invasion of Iraq.

If nowt else, the show does put the lie to the idea that the US lost its moral authority over Iraq. Some estimates put the number of foreign nationals killed by US military actions since WW2 as high as 30 million. This show, with its examination of how the US has essentially been bang at it for seven decades, gives you a good idea of how it happened.

I 2nd Narcos as the best drama of the year. Funniest comedy by a mile was ā€˜people just do nothingā€™, very well made and acted. I have never seen a funnier or more accurate depiction of doing pills than they did in the final episode. Very pleased to hear they were given the contract for a 3rd and 4th series.


The Spaced episode where they all go clubbing is pretty sweet, Tokes.

Iā€™ll check it out.

Doctor Foster was very good. It was interesting to have a main character in a difficult situation that wasnt played symathetically.


Truth and lies.

Funny Bazza put up Narcos first and it got slated, the sheep are well on it now though, I moved on baby, moved on.

Yo TedMaul, this is television, not movies.

I actually feel for you. You must go to cinemas expecting to see Eastenders or summat. Disappointed every time.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Funny Bazza put up Narcos first and it got slated, the sheep are well on it now though, I moved on baby, moved on.

It was very well received once people had watched it. Stop being a meff.


River seems to have potential - Sixth Sense meets Swedish Noir

Chabuddy G is one of my favourite TV characters in ages. Love PJDN, though watched 1 ep with the gf and she just did not get it. Perhaps it just doesnā€™t work as well for people that didnā€™t grow up in (North-) West London, listening to pirate garage radio stations. Who knows?

Also, fair play Bazz. You called it. Narcoā€™s is pretty darn good. Brutal right from the offset.

People judge a book by its cover, a bit racist and judgemental if you ask me.

No-oneā€™s asking you, Baz :lou_lol:

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Digressing have you flogged that ticket yet?

For Leicester? Nope, but Iā€™m probably not going to now. I did ask some of my mates if they wanted the ticket.

For the Liverpool one?

Iā€™m not flogging my Liverpool ticket, and donā€™t know why you thought I was, mucker.

You coming out for beers with GB and myself?

Nah my Mrs grew up in Tokyo and loves it. I think you do need to have a bit of exposure to that type of people. She had plenty when we lived in Brixton and streatham.

So your Missus likes exposure and had plenty of it in Streatham and Brixton and she loves it, arenā€™t you concerned?

Is GB Great Britain?