Hahaha Champagne Ian Poses a Moral Dilemma

If I heard it right the Skate’s head honcho is giving the membership of the world’s greatest fan owned football club a free vote as to whether they accept the offer of Ex- Micky Mouse Man Michael Eisner or continue as the kind of club, of which every other football supporter stands in awe.

Yep the choice is yours…reject Mammon or get your 1000 quid back…what will it be. :lou_lol:

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Eisner takeover, a match made in heaven

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Are them bros gonna get their Money Back if the deal goes through? Seems bit generous. If I was Micky Mouse I’d be like, my offer for club is £0, but I’ll fund you back to the Prem, trust. They’d be fkn mad not to take it.

Yeah but you’re forgetting that fan-ownership is the model for all other football clubs to follow…it’s not about getting your money back…it’s about doing the right thing.

… but they’re wronguns … ?

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