I remember some saying FFP

has some validity in football and isn’t a pointless thing, I wonder how they feel now? Listen to Bazza I say, football is a fix and modern football is fucking bollocks but I love the game, what can you do?

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How do I feel? That it is never a good idea to talk about yourself in the third person.


As the third person, I’d like to say FFP was well intended but poorly concieved as it has simply protected the existing monied elite.


The atmosphere is shit in modern football and don’t get me started on the middle classes invading Glastonbury


IF the FFP could have got more grass root support :slight_frown:could really have reached the sky and given the other parties a run for their money :smile:

Lord Sutch passing through this world to the other side :innocent: did not help the movement :cry:

They still get my vote…but alas I might be on my own :scream: as usual

Come on the FFP…I luv yuse :cool:

Is the idea right in principle? Yes, I think so.

Is it working in practice as it stands? No, I don’t think so.

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Yeah and only 25% of the attendance should be made up of Olds. Keeping it real for the yoots isn’t that right Baz? :lou_wink_2:

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Dead in the water.

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