In The Army Now

Well, I did warn our Remaining friends about this. During the 2012 debate between Farage and Clegg, Ol Nick repeatedly called Nigel a fantasist for suggesting it.

The huge question of course, is who this force would hold fealty to.

Give it a rest Lenin. Doom, gloom, that’s all we hear from you.

It’s ze Germans, init Cobs?


Personallly I would have said ze Frenche

No remainers here, because well, a single EU wide defence force and budget has been part of the long term vision of the EU for some time. It ultimately, makes a lot of sense unless you are a little englander. Our current Uk defense budget is around 40 bn per year… if we could half that by having a single EU defence force that our contribution was say 20 bn, why we could use that extra 20bn per year on the NHS … an extra 13% would come in handy surely?


Who will this force hold fealty to?

We’ll also be cut out of all their defence contracts I suspect. As I understand, this will involve working on new military hardware in a joint cooperation between the EU members. How much of that business will our defence contractors see? Ah well, we can just sell more stuff to nice countries like Saudi Arabia, with their excellent human rights record.

Yeah, because selling stuff to the Saudis will be a first.

Thanks for implicitly accepting that the only reason Brexit will be difficult is our EU “friends”.

Keep the Vichy spirit alive, lads!

What makes you think the contribution would be lower than current levels of spending on defence??

Ha ha ha, you’re a card. Vichy spirit indeed. My sides are splitting.

Yep, we sell lots of stuff to Saudi, but we are also part of lots of European defence projects - not for much longer though.

And, I don’t see any problem with a pan-European defence pact, unlike you and your bestie, Nige.

Pap and Nige, up in a tree, K I S S I N G

Why is selling less arms a bad thing?

Especially to a rival power on our doorstep?

Personally, I’d rather our defence industry to be concentrating on developing our defence, not arming the rest of the world.

Given the amount of materiel we have built overseas, there is more than enough slack to pick up.

It won’t because we will want to maintain an independent force so this will be extra.

The hardest cunt with the biggest sword

Point being if we were at the heart of the EU with influence, would be to down scale our individual force as we could rely more on pan EU partners in global peace keeping and defence responsibilities and stop bending over backwards to take trumps tiny cock - so scale is what drives down cost.


News just in via the Metro, the Army is 20 years out of date, needs £2bn investment and the best we could hope to do is seize a medium-size market town somewhere in Europe that’s accessible.

So that’s alright then - best get invading before the pan-Europe force gets going eh?

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If The UK gets involved in a European defence pact it will add to the money they spend on Nato and the UN which the last time I looked everybody in Europe was party too (apart from a couple of Eastern European nations )

A forth tier of spending on defence as they would still have to man the barricades if the Europeans started to try and cross the channel again.

Why give the defence budget to somebody else when we have had the English Channel for centuries.

spend it on housing the homeless and the elderly.


The point is that the country at the heart of the EU, with influence, is Germany.

No problem for Vichy Englanders like yourself.

:lou_lol: Vichy Englander should be on the Comedy Genius thread… or maybe not… :lou_lol:

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Raise your left arm the next time you want to speak.

Ha, says Nige’s ally. :lou_eyes_to_sky: