👩 ⚽ Women's Football

Sorry, Cracked Rib, I’ve had to downvote you. Partly to demonstrate downvoting etiquette, by politely explaining why I felt your carefully thought out message was not of value. (yes, I did notice someone anonymously downvoted my declaration that posters on Saintsweb were ‘old school’).

And partly to tell you to bollock off you sexist pig! :lou_wink:

I am merely reflecting what the governing bodies, those fine esteemed and honest folks at FIFA have suggested would go along way to improve the Ladies game… who am I to challenge such honest folks with such high levels of integrity? You having downvoted me, I can only assume that you are challenging such innovative and modern thinking, when it should be clear to all that Sepp only had the best interests of the ladies game to heart?

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Women don’t know what they want, ain’t it! They say they want more media coverage & for ppl other than friends+family to go to their dumb games, but when Blatters & Cracked Ribs suggest they make use of their two key assets, they just shove them right back in Blatters & Cracked Ribs faces!

If they’re not gonna be sexier than man football, I think they would have to be better than man football to draw in the casual punter. The way to do this, IMO would be to make it so that in woman football, there is no restriction on use of steroids + growth hormones etc. that would be a big advantage! Look what it’s done for Messi! Imagine if all women football was drug cheats. A whole league of Messi’s! Winner!

I don’t mind dressing sexy, so long as people take my skills seriously.

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Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @Coxford_lou

I don’t mind dressing sexy, so long as people take my skills seriously.

:lou_eyes_to_sky: :lou_surprised:

It was the only answer I could think of that didn’t involve being outraged! :lou_lol:


I had a feeling this might happen! Ha ha

To be serious for a second… I remeber when the Southampton Saints were abandoned by the club when relegated from the prem… which seemed odd at the time given how small the financial investment actually was. I dont know what happened to the team or whether they are still ongoing, but would it not make more sense to to bring a side back into the fold?

At one point the ladies side were in the top tier with players who also played for England etc, and the coach was a pioneer of the Ladies game.

…we wcould even let them play in kit if they eally wanted to as it can get quite cold during the winter months :lou_wink:

Bring back Red Star Soton and buying in good players.

We should prob have just one master thread for trolling Lou, like pap did to frbl with the Corbyn thread, rather than spread Lou out across the whole frm like this what do you think guise?

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Please do, as I do see this as a very important issue. I am involved in the grass roots of football as a referee rep, who is trying to promote respect and more female officials getting involved in the sport.


Fair play, apologies for derailing it. My 10 year old daughter loves playing, but we are struggling to find a side close enough for her to join. My commnet with repsect to the Fifa ,Sepp and kit were obviously meant as satire, but appreciate that this thread was perhaps not he best place for it.

Yeah - bring it on!! You will fail!!

Quit trying to pretend you derailed the thread. Your trolling attempt failed! Accept it! :wink:

Failed? not sure I even attempted it… to darn ignorant of these modern terms to know if I was trolling or not…though i was just trying to inject a bit a humour… that backfired a little… I may have to retreat tand seek refuge at SWF … that place is full of mysoginistic wankers so I shouldgo unoticed…

No no no! I’m kidding! I got your joke, and it made me laugh! Don’t go! (Though tell us who you are over there… Please??)

i like you crack rib. Ur ok. You can stay if you like pls.

Does that mean you’re turning feminist too?

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I read an article other day, it was Science article, bout that when birds are knobbed by a bro, or even just suck him off i spose, they absorb his genetic material + it actually becomes part of their DNA genome, and they sometimes even pass on these foreign datas from all their previous sex partners onto future children, even if i.e. the child is fathered by some complete other bro down the line. It was science article i’m srs. Have You Heard Bout That What Do You Think Bout That?

… over ‘there’ I am cast aside as a boring old fart for lacking ‘humour’ and not bending over and greasing up to take one from the Turk, the Fried egg and their little snivelling wannabe who struggles with illness… which is amusing in itself. It was never the same after Bearsy left…I wept at night not knowing where he had gone… lost, alone immersed in such hostility

Pap extended his welcoming arms, allowing a rebirth and encouraging more sweary words so he has my heart :lou_is_a_flirt:

‘‘Do not be concerned about who I was… embrace who I have become’’ (sounds like it should be from some great literary tome, but I just made it up as I like to be a bit pretencious now and again…like Bletch)