Making the move away from Apple

It’s restrictive.

Moving to Android was a revelation in terms of personalisation and customisation.

Originally posted by @Goatboy

Originally posted by @pap

Remember that one of the iPhone5’s sparkling new features was an extra row of icons.

It’s like when I pretend Badgium is a real and finite thing , except this was a multinational and people bought it.

These are their customers.

:lou_angry: :lou_sad:

I’ve got some bad news about Father Christmas, bro.

It’ll keep for a couple of months.

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It’s because iOS is aimed at users of your level Bearsy, i.e. fickos.


I’m certain I’ve expressed this before, but I often considered getting a Mac. Always came down to “ooh, I can buy a much nicer PC with the same money”.

The one thing I really loved about Macs that PCs just didn’t do as well was anti-aliasing. Without doubt, Apples were the nicest computers to read anything on for decades. Maybe they still are, but in an age where you can no longer see individual pixels, even that advantage has gone.



Apple Watch

Apple TV

they are not getting me! :lou_wink_2:

Love their their products after spending so long resisting them for my Samsung!

I have an Alcatel clicky button phone that I got from Asda for £10 about 2 years ago. It doesn’t have touchscreen or internet, but when I charge it it lasts about 2 weeks. It doesn’t recognise emojis when people text me but I don’t see that as a negative. I would recommend it :lou_wink_2:


Have used Android for the best part of a decade now and never regretted it once - iOS doesn’t sit well with me for some reason. Like Pap said, I enjoy the customisation that you get with Android and I find that iPhones are more expensive in terms of contracts for no apparent reason. Samsung is kind of getting caught up in the race to launch a new phone every 3 months like Apple does but there’s always a difference between the last one and the next which is nice to see. It’s not just a case of it being a different size, the interface and user experience is always much smoother and well refined.

As for those bloody earphones, it just goes to illustrate what a bunch of money grabbing cunts Apple really are. They literally couldn’t give a fuck about their users, it’s an excuse to squeeze an extra $50 out of anyone who wants to get the new iPhone.


Android (Samsung) phone.


Mrs G has iphone for work, Samsung for personal, ipad.

Kid G has Samsung phone, windows laptop and hogs Mrs G’s ipad. Wants a Macbook.

I love the Macbook and wouldn’t go back to a windows laptop. Not bothered about a tablet and happy with android phone.

I think people maybe overreacting to the lack of a headphone jack. Apple is supplying an adaptor … As standard. Stereojack ports are old tech. I remember the criticism Apple took for omitting a disk drive :smile:

The wireless earbuds are stupid and overpriced though

I have had wireless headphones for over a year now, as I find they are much better when rowing as the wire used to get stuck around the belt area of the body.

So no different for me as I use Bluetooth wireless anyway. They are not quite as hideous as the ones that Apple are bringing out though! Jeez.

Apple’s removal of the headphone socket on its latest iPhone 7 has had several knock-on effects, but one thing most people might not realise is that if you’re using wired headphones with it, you can’t charge it at the same time. Unless you buy a £35 adapter. Or a £49 dock.

Mrs C_S and teenage mutants #1 & #2 have been happy Apple fan-boy/girls for a few years now, but even they are starting to get a bit pissed off with the continual phone upgrades and degradation of phone quality after a year or so. There’s even talk in the C_S household of them switching to Android…

Biggest stumbling block is that they’ll have to admit that I was right all along…I can live with that.



Thought so! Not sure why they are so hideous, I have Bluetooth wireless headphones and they are small!

one flaw in this mock story, everyone who wears Bluetooth head phones or relies on Bluetooth products know that you will lose your signal. I pop my phone in my back pocket when cycling and that confuses the Bluetooth so much it thinks the phone is on another planet. No no, there is a body in the way now, lost signal! So up your arse… No hope!

Android (an htc - love it, and I enjoy not having either an Iphone* or Samsung like most lemmings)

Ipad (mark 3, bought by my previous employers which is the only reason I have it). Use it for surfing on a big screen and watching footy and thats it. When it dies, I suspect I will not bother replacing it.

Laptop. Lenovo (the Chinese mega business which bought IBM’s PC division 10 years ago). It is very very good and has never let me down.

* except this one - Iphone, supplied by current work. Mark 5. Utterly annoying and drives me mad compared to the htc, so I try not to use it at all. Cant wait to get rid

In summary, 2 apples products both bought / supplied by employers. Dont need them but happy to have the pad at someone else’s cost. For my money, no thanks Apple

The Apple ear pods (or whatever they are called) don’t actually use bluetooth when paired with the iPhone 7, Apple have decided that Bluetooth is crap and have jumped on a new format called W1 which is supposed to be better, Surprisingly only Apple are using it at the moment but Beats headphones (the ones all the footballers wear) are supposed to be going that route as well.

The AirPods will work with BT though, I believe.

The thing with W1 and the AirPods is that they will instantly pair with your iPhone when the box is opened, Apple will also transmit this pairing partnership to all your devices so you don’t have to manually connect to each device!! Good idea in theory, but I can see lots of problems, like pairing with another nearby device!!

I have a windows laptop but with an SSD so does help, ipad and have recently moved to an android phone from apple (an LG) whilst I’m waiting for my galaxy note7 to be available, have to say i like android but apple will suit people who have less understanding of the products.

But I still think ipad is the best tablet.

Only Apple product our family has is a MacBook Air my sister-in-law bought our son. Damn thing is the bane of my life. I activated the parental controls so it limits his access to a couple of hours a day but it’s so damn temperamental and only works half of the time. No amount of googling has found a solution. It’s also a very clunky machine, internet seems slower than on my LG phone, and as its a laptop and not a tablet the apps seem to be more limited.

Take it into an Apple store. They can help!

It was bought in the States and we’re living in Pakistan at the moment so not much chance of that happening :lou_sad: