Merkel : Europeans can no longer rely on the US or UK

Pap, what about my post? Why can’t the shared histories of war and fighting coupled with a resolute wish to not let it happen again be what makes someone feel ‘European’? A sort of “Vive la difference!” and a recognition that our similarities make us stronger than our differences - can that not be part of what it is to be ‘European’?

Yes having a sense of collective history saved the Balkans from civil war, there is me thinking it was the Yanks who did it, silly me.

People have some serious rose tinted visions of Europe as a collective of happiness, most have established right wing nationalist parties that hate foreigners, oh dear oh dear.

Wow. just found Bazza on FB

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That doesn’'t mean I am wrong though does it?

How is that different from being an anti-war campaigner and internationalist, anywhere?

How can you look past Greece?

They will as their agenda is blinded, Greece, Lisbon treaty vote etc, all by the wayside.

Thanks for the advice, Pap. I will make serious consideration whether feeling European, yet not Australian, has anything to do with just being a good person.

It’s a good job I’ve got you to guide silly old me through life. Can’t imagine what I’d do otherwise.

Probably fuck off to Texas for a few months.

Hey Lou!


Hmm, maybe it’s an age thing.

I’ve lived in Germany (when my pa was in the army), spoke the language, mixed with the natives etc. etc.

I’ve lived and worked in France, learnt the language, mixed with the natives etc. etc. had a long term French Candian Girlfriend even

Yet I don’t consider myself European, I still consider myelf British!!

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I am British this week as my boss crew changed and is now Welsh.

Last week I was Aampshire as my then boss was born in Alton.

I have never thought of myself as European.

Barry you dumb prick I’m talking about individuals not nation states. Fuck me.

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So are you saying you can’t feel European without signing up lock, stock and barrel to everything the EU dictates? That’s weird. Do you currently not consider yourself British because you disagree with the Tory government?

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To be honesy BTripz I don’t really feel a strong affiliation to ‘Britishness’ or ‘Eurpoeanness’. If someone asks me my nationality I say ‘British’, but rather apologetically and sheepishly as I’m a bit embarrassed by what Britishness is nowadays.

All that doesn’t mean that I can’t comprehend someone buying into the idea of being ‘European’ though.

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That ain’t a bad option! (Not that I consider myself Texan, even though we do speak the same language).

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I’m totally British, and completely English, but only when I mess up or do weird anti-social things. When I do cool things, I’m European. :lou_lol:

Unless, I’m in the States. Then I massively exaggerate my Englishness. :lou_wink_2:


You’ve already got the boots and the hat. Just the gun to go :lou_wink_2:


Oh thats convenient, what makes you European? A lost vote?

People just like to hate and moan about their own Country, that ironically to their chagrin is innately British, moaning and wishing you were elsewhere, they were always in my experience the quickest to return to the UK. That privilege is a luxury as well.

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who hates their own country - where are you finding all these fuckers you keep telling us about?

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