Merry Christmas Goatboy


Not a Christmas song (but a bit Christmassy) but plenty of goats.

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So many wannabe celebgoats these days :lou_angry:

edit: celebleaties


Originally posted by @Bearsy

At least I didn’t add ‘monkey fucks goat’ to ‘Justin Biebers cock’ on my search history.

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No it’s cool, that one is from my private collection.

that monkey fucking rules. If I saw a goat tied up, I’d definitely try to fuck it everywhere.


Meh, poster names in thread titles? How very UI. It’s a good job that the indiscretion seems to have self-corrected through the provision of subsequent highbrow content.

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that monkey watches a lot of porn imo

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I feel it worth pointing out that for all his forum goatiness, the boy goat actually resembles a human in real life. Just thought I’d make that clear to save you packing the bungee cords for your inaugural drinks event. Avoids disappointment, etc.

… This was supposed to be a musical whimsy…to bring Christmas cheer to a fellow poster… instead we have … a devient monkey attempting unspeakable acts with a goat… shame on our ursne ‘friend’ …

Appalled in Fife :lou_surprised:

There goes my christmas present :lou_angry:


Keep the faith goatboy. It is Christmas after all.