Nintendo Switch

Splatoon in cool and my older kids love that. The Missus doesn’t mind as its only shooting people in the face with paint.

Xenoblade Chronicles is my next project. My eldest played it for a bit but got distracted by his upcoming GCSEs. For such a great title it was surprisingly hard to buy - we needed the physical media as teh download was bigger than our hard drive and the weekend post release it was obvious that none of the main supermarkets really bothers with WiiU releases

I’ve got the first Xenoblade Chronicles on two platforms (!). The Wii version and the 3DS one. Reminds me a lot of playing an MMO, if I’m honest, but has got some very nice combat mechanics. There are certain moves that do extra damage from the sides, etc, so positioning can be key.

I’m committed to finishing the 3DS version, but the voice acting is really crap and does my head in.

A portable console, with detachable controllers, that you can plug into the telly, according to Eurogamer.

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There’s quite a bit of buzz on this. I don’t think anyone has an expectation that it’ll be bunging out 4K visuals, but if Nintendo put the right price on it, it could easily become something that a lot of people own. I can see quite a few Nintendo LAN parties happening amongst those who’ve got it.

If it’s sub £250, I can easily see our family having a couple of these beasties.

Unless it looks like Alicia Vikander, Super Mario can stick it up his hairy fucking arse.

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Oiled up as well.

Alicia, not Super Mario’s hairy arse…

You need to learn more about games. Nintendo Switch wouldn’t bother anyone at this point.

Out today.

Not that impressed with the launch line up, or the pricing of the games.

Argos are trying to charge sixty notes for Zelda. Fk that.

Looks like they are trying their best to repeat the muddled messaging of the WiiU. Announcing touchscreen games, which only work in portable mode a week before launch only goes to confuse the message of what this thing is.

Think in general, the prices are a bit daft, as is selling it with less memory than some games require.

I’ve swung from unimpressed, to super-keen to not so sure. Lots of folks in the office getting theirs today, so going to wait until I get some reviews from them before deciding whether or not to take the plunge. Also, til some more games land.

The cartridges don’t taste so good

Ours in on the way from Amazon , my eldest has been so excited about this for weeks, The zelda game looks amazing. Hope to go the chap sticks in in the garage otherwise there will be hell to pay tonight when he gets back from college.

Really hope it works for nintendo, all reviews so far have been hugely positive . I’ll let you know after I get to have a play

So some time in october probs

My kids want it. Personally speaking, I really can’t see the benefit. They have iPads and an XBox - how much more gaming opportunities do they want/need? Also, I watched that ad that Pap posted - for me, it epitomises everything wrong with the device - a society killer. Who the hell would go to a friends party and thern get out their bloody games console out unless it’s a party of nerds or they’re borderline autistic?

My kids will probably have it before the end of the year :lou_sad:

Mates that like games? Feel the autistic jab is a bit unnecessary tbh.

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You’re right. I apologise.

Nerds and engineers I think is probably better.

For me, the pricing and circumstance kills it.

£280 notes for a handheld running stuff at 720p? Or £350 on a PS4 Pro, which will many of my PS4 games better, give me 4k streaming and free up a PS4 for networked gaming.

They need to get that bill of materials cost down, or stop trying to profit off the hardware. Don’t think Nintendo has done a loss leader for a long time. They’ve managed to profit on the hardware alone.

Aye, my main gripe with the price is that the £280 doesn’t get you much.

Realistically, you need a carry case, games, extra memory, controllers & power packs as well. Takes it much closer to £450 before you’ve even started.

In news that comes as little surprise to anyone, KRG is weak.

KRG got himself a Switch the other day.

Zelda is incredible, not had a chance to play a huge amount - but the few hours I have spent I’ve spent purely just wondering around and climbing shit. I’m going to be lost to this game for a long time.

The hardware is pretty awesome. Looks and feels great. Sliding off the joy cons feels brilliant. Played for a bit in the car on the way to the Cotswolds on Friday, then plugged it in to show some of the ‘in-laws’.

They’ve all gone for a walk, I’m currently sat in the sun, exploring Hyrule with a field full of lambs bleeting away next to me.

It’s probably overpriced, but I don’t regret this purchase at all.

Can’t wait to get some 8 player Mario Kart action going on at work.

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Bumping this a bit, as @krg_ has not quite captured the complete magic of the Switch. The simple genius is this. It’s one thing. Full fat Nintendo games and some very decent third party full size games, on the move. In bridging the space between handheld and full console, it makes every sort of game possible, and not out of place.

It’ll also have the best games available on any system, as per. The exclusives that exist are already top quality. We just need a few more. It helps a lot that Nintendo plans to port some of the Wii U stuff, especially if the job they did on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is anything to go by. A couple of small additions make a lot of difference.

I got two games with it and have added a four more over the last few days, three of them indie games around the tenner mark. Mario Odyssey is fantastic, borrowing the best conceit of Kirby and a little more photo-realism to create a Mario game like no other.

I’ve a real soft spot for Golf Story, a neat little golf game by two Australian dudes, that’ll make you believe that most of lifes problems can be sorted by simply hitting something with a golf ball. Picross is a given, and I also got the Axiom Verge Metroid a like. With Zelda on the download now, that should keep me busy for a bit.