North and South, interesting read this from a while back

Good read, long term I think surely Labour has to gain in the South, it has to surely?

Oh, I thought this was going to be about Kim Wrong Un and that Moonie guy.

It’s Friday and there is drink involved somewhere. For that reason I’m out. (Out of the conversation rather than “out” or even “out” but I am “out” at the pub though.,…jeez English is hard at times)

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I think these local elections may throw up some interesting results. It looks like Labour will make significant gains in London and some of the traditional Tory held provincial cities. A few Lib Dem gains from the Tories due to tactical voting in places where Labour have never had a chance. One surprise may well be, with the demise of UKIP, some Tory gains in traditionally Labour voting towns in the midlands and the north, where the current government’s obvious contempt for immigrants and foreigners may well arouse the same enthusiasm from “working class brexiters” that Enoch Powell generated among London dockers and meat porters 50 years ago. Could be interesting.