Plastc (Not fans)

Seems plastic is everywhere - and now it seems in all of us -if we drink bottled water that is.

Plastic pollution is man made, we all use plastic so what do we do?

  • Bcome an ecowarrior
  • Dunno, what’s the advice fom the Govt?
  • Meh

0 voters

Microplastics are in everything, from the deepest living creatures in the Mariana trench right up to the rich fuckers in their skyscrapers. A scientist tested her breakfast eggs and found Microplastics. There is nowhere on this planet you can escape them and they hold the potential to be devastating for all forms of life.

How often do you hear about the connection between phthalates and rising infertility?

Almost forgot cancer. How could i forgot cancer. Phthalates are also “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen”.

“How often do you hear about the connection between phthalates and rising infertility?..”

Quite a lot tbf

There also a lot of evidence about oestrogen from women on the pill getting into rivers adding to the issue.

Anyway, whichever way you look at it the problem is man made and no fucker will take responsibility for it, unless, I guess, there is lots of money it it for them …

How about stopping the use of plastics for food and drink containers. Single use plastic is a joke.

I think it should be used in advertising breakfast cereals…mine is low in salt, high in fibre…perhaps low in micro-plastics could be a useful selling point.

Interesting story.

And explains why I feel like I’m melting when it hits 50C here in the summers.

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Perhaps Terminator is wrong and the future is not part human machines but part plastic humans? We could all end up looking like Barbie and Ken!


Ha, did they respond, Pap?

Have they bollocks!

The company I work for have decided that we need to go to electronic permit to work
It will be cheaper and greener they say no more paper permits to purchase.
Do we still have to print out the permit?
Do we still have to print all the certificates?
Do we need to print it every day?
So now instead of a pre printed piece of paper with all ready 2 copies to it. We have to print a complete permit at 3 pages long plus certificates and other associated paperwork then do it every day for max 14 days so what is the cost of the printers ink plus repair of the printers that will now be working 24 / 7 have you seen the toners these days 99% plastic and a couple of metal clips and springs.

But think of the trees you will save by not having 3 copied printed permits which only last 7 days.

So to save 6 pieces of paper I now have to print using electricity, Ink, Paper A3 & A4 a new permit every day

You are just being difficult and looking for the down side

Well please explain the upside then


We are still getting electonic permits.


Sounds like a Govt Department?

Thats what they think they are

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On a more general note, plastic was bloody everywhere in the US, not just Marriott. About the only places that had real cutlery were proper sit down restaurants. We’re apparently outlawing plastic straws. Almost every hot beverage out there is stirred with one.

Going to be a long long haul getting this shit replaced. Time to start looking at hemp seriously again, I think.

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Sounds like someone has moved the cost from the certification cost centre to the operational expenses (stationery) cost centre.

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@pap in “I’m thinking about hemp (again)” shocker.

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Did he ever live in a tent in the hemp fields near Lymington ?

The medically grown stuff.