Propaganda to even it out

The bias the media has shown towards the doctors is striking, is this addressing the balance?

Does this really require its own thread? I want to see different avatars on the page, but I don’t think the forum is helped with these poorly-titled spinoffs of matters covered on other threads.

Whack it on the NHS is sacred and can never be criticized as they are intellectually superior and the backbone of a 1st World Nation thread…

And Pap I don’t start that many threads, they’re usually long and commented on but I don’t create many.

is that article bias? I only skimmed through but it felt like balance reporting with other side given right to reply.

No sign of Claudia Brucken at all.

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No its not biased Bearsy where did I say it was? I said this article could be seen as balancing it out or some way to.

if you want to balance the other biased articles then you need your own bias article, not a balanced one. One balanced and one biased equals still a bit biased. One biased and one biased equals balanced.

Maybe the BBC wanted to do it without admitting they were biased initially? Quiet stealth correction or propaganda, a bit like a ref giving a soft penalty after giving a soft penalty.

Media bias is when events are described in a specific way or with subtle language that leans the viewer away from the facts and towards the opinion that the media outlet wishes to promote on behalf of political or commercial partners.

We are awash with it, it’s quite easy to spot.

However, the BBC printing the facts, free of opinion, is not biased reporting.

Back in the day we used to call it the news - it was all the rage for a while_._

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Or it could be heavily showing a perspective from one view, the doctors in this case, someone had a word and now this soft insert into the public domain.

Or maybe the stories you don’t like are always biased, and the stories you do like are always balanced?

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Originally posted by @Rallyboy

No sign of Claudia Brucken at all.

Nope, just a duel between pap and Dr Mabuse.

I think this thread is over.

But is it REALLY over, or am I just trying to give that impression?..

I don’t know

Typical Fatso bias.