Question for Bearsy

Not sure if I imagined it, but did you used to write some sort of warped blog ? If you do any chance of a link as it was usually an amusing read.

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are we asking questions of Bearsy now?

yeah that was me tks, I ain’t done one for Ages + Ages tho because Lazy. I was thinking I might do some Europe ones for next season cos I am european club Expert & bros on here will prob need educate!

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Every poster needs their own questions thread. It’s like Spanish Inquisition round here srs.

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would you describe yourself as more of a cock or a cunt?

I’m not a cunt, I don’t think. Cock seems slightly harsh. I would say I’m more a dick, if I have to be a genital at all. Ur a Helmet.

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there is certainly a world of difference between cunt and cock. A cunt is a nasty person whereas a cock is someone who is a bit silly. A dick is a harmless idiot. I’m not sure what a helmet would be.

Being a helmet is a bit like being a tool.

It should also be noted that we’ve got a lot of fannies on here, ain’t it.

Can we have a ranking order for insults please. :lou_lol:

You Bearsy are a cad of the highest order!

from Jeeves and Bearsy go Scrumping -1948


You old rogue your RallyBoy!

Bearsy: Do you shit in the woods?

(someone had to)

Copyright 1874 - GA Abandon & Sons
Cliche Generators (By Royal Appointment)


Surely he is also a bounder

Hasn’t done it since his neighbours tied down their wifi by MAC address, now, seeing as he’s such a Price Pikey, he can only contribute whilst in his breaks between raising and lowering the King fries baskets or when he cons someone into buying him a coffee at Starbucks…

How often do you need to have your fur trimmed?*

*genuine question thx, not code for some deviant shit.

Just to note, bear baiting has been illegal in this country since 1835. I don’t want to take this further, so, you know, watch urselfs.


Bear 'bating

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Bear 'bating

If they try and take that from me I will do time srs :lou_angry: