đŸ‡·đŸ‡ș Russia

I would call it an invasion, in the sense the Russians invaded a part of a nation that wasn’t theirs, ethic Russians have been planted everywhere over the centuries, remind me again how Crimea came to be Ukranian?

I wonder if the British did this, in this day and age under those circumstances would you be so laissez-faire as it were

I’m struggling to understand this. Are you saying that you buy “human rights” off the shelf like you buy baked beans?

It was said by SWDP that Human Rights were a luxury by the West as they could afford it, Qatar and Saudi coukd easily afford Human Rights.

You always struggle to understand things as you either don’t agree with them or you can’t understand them, here is another thing, Human Rights should be free, free to all, they aren’t, why aren’t they?

Pap is a whopper.

I shared @sadoldgit 's sense of confusion over your assertion that anyone with money would spend that money on upholding human rights.

Sadly, that is not the case. Instead, the likes of Theresa May go over there to sell them peasant smashing equipment.

There is more than one way to spend a budget. Oddly enough, human rights come pretty far down the list of autocracies.

I agree with you for fucks sake, have you read SWDP view saying its a luxury the West can afford, by that token why don’t Saudi and Qatar buy human rights? They CAN afford them, Jesus fucking wept.

SWDP said it was a luxury we can afford through dominance. It’s not something you can just buy instantly with hard cash.

Qatar, the richest country on the planet(per head). Not one of the most dominant countries on the world stage is it Barry.

Can you stop going on about your messiah weeping. He’s not real.

The social progress index might help you understand better(not about jesus, sorry).

The Index reveals that high-income countries tend to achieve higher social progress than low-income countries. Yet this relationship is neither simple nor linear.

Have read(all of it).


What Countries are wealthy and have poor social progress?

There does seem to be a link, maybe you can help me.

On the face of it it looks like money laundering with the implicit agreement of the UK Govt.

I may be wrong of course, but probably not by much

Oh, it was para one of your post I was referring to Baz.

It was rhetorical, they’invest where they could clean money,don’t get me wrong London is a corrupt shithole as well and what has this Country gained since we stopped making things and become a service industry? If money is gained corruptly it’ll have to be cleaned corruptly.

After this its in a pretty much stable economy, invest in flats and never live there,similar to the wealthy Chinese, Taiwanese etc etc

Have you ever actually interacted with Russians Barry? At work or sociably?

If you had then you’d know have daft your first line is.

EVERY Russian passport holder I have met or interacted with is aware deep down that Russia could slip back to the dark days in the blink of an eye. While the Communist Party has gone, it has been replaced by the “wealthy elite” (ie mafia) and the minions are still at the bottom of the pile.

The motivation to invest outside of Russia or to join a Multi-National is so that they can firstly get Residency outside of Russia and then find a way to qualify for Citizenship and a passport.

Every facet of the “State System” makes life difficult for the Russians, renewing passports, National ID cards, “Social Security” are all thereto remind “the people” of their place.

The retort is “but there is a wealthy middle class” the answer is that they are only wealthy due to privilege or they knew the right person to bribe.

Yes I have and do know, your point is? I don’t disagree by the way.

Yeah spend budget.

Build football stadiums.

Russia bans the Jehova’s apparently

Mike Harding, in his book “The Armchair Anarchist’s Almanac”, reckoned you should invite them in, nip out the back, and tell the coppers you’re being burgled.


Has anyone else noticed that the JW’s seem to be on a charm offensive. Everywhere.

I first noticed them with a little stand with of leaflets by Bank tube station a few months back. Now they’re everywhere I look I the City. They’ve even made it out to Cobham 

Strange thing is that I don’t ever recall seeing anyone talking to them.
