Sotonians Soviets Results

Could you not have fitted in ‘undisputable’ ‘ultimate’ ‘undeniable’ (or similar) at the beginning of the title? It’s not too late :lou_smiley:

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‘unfortunate’ ‘unsuitable’ also would be acceptable :lou_wink_2:

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Is that a veiled threat to the comrades on the Soviet then Stalin?


@bearsy @fowllyd @tokyo-saint @btripz

Whats the 5 year plan?

Are we all to be given quota’s of thread to start and comments to make.?

Who is first up against the wall ?

Are the gulags air conditioned?


They have banned the burkha already


I was gonna go all in & start a match day thread.

Seeing the new management I’m just gonna go hide & delete my online persona

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Holy shit, I was not expecting this on a Monday morning! The mysterious Soviet election, finally resolved. Good luck to all the winners, especially me, I mean Tokyo-Saint.


tks to all the Bros what voted on me. Fk you to all the bros what didn’t vote on me! I have made note of ur Names.

Few orders of business pls @pap :

  1. How do I access the Secret & Exclusive Champagne Room for High Level Discussions + Boobs?

b) What sort of budget do we have to work to? I have already racked up some quite big expenses at the weekend. Do you need VAT invoices? Not all of the girls was VAT register.

IV) I tried to ban a few bros this morning but they’re still here! Pls advise!


To help you, I have added some hints above 0- this first advices is freebies - after that its £5 a line

(I cant remember if I voted or if I did if I voted for you or not - probably as you is a bear and probably too busy shitting the woods or somthing to take sovet seriously)


I voted for you Bear, I voted for you loads of times. You’re great, Bear, so great. If I could have voted for you more I would have. I only have eyes for you, Bear, dear Bear.

Anyway, on an unrelated note, what’s this Champagne Room?


The Champagne Room was the main pledge of my election manifesto! It is a roped off exclusive section of the forum, a land of milk & honey, where me and tokyos can lay back feeding each other grapes & acid, exchanging pictures of Hot Birds & Sealife in Compromising Positions, attended to by a bevy of strippers & lapdancers. A safe space for perverts, where we can discuss high level matters, like who needs banning, and who needs a satirical nickname. Important Soviet Supremors, like me and tokyos, need to be able to test boundaries of sense and decency, without risk of prying eyes & prosecution.

And all the time, BTripz (who has already been voted out the quorum at inagural meeting) will be locked outside, nose pressed to window, tears streaming down his stupid face!

The only thing I can tell you is that the role is far less interesting than you seem to think it is. It never carried mod privileges. You’ll have input on future decisions.

:lou_sad: Do I at least get some kind of special hat?


Yes. We call him Soviet Tokyo around here.

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Full formal uniform and ceremonial ak should also be provided.

![]( digital by_mairoutv-d8hux5y.jpg)


Didn’t even know that there was an election. Must pay more attention.

Is Soggy going to start a ‘Soviet Ramifications’ thread or what?


Bearsy should be warned… Soviet hats weremade from his cousins…


I am excited by this, in fact my first action was to make this thread a sticky.

Well done Pap, I thought you were going to Fidel Castro the vote and like a true socialist, pretend a vote that didn’t go your way did not happen. However, you have got over your issues with the results and on this occasion been the bigger man, I know this can’t have been easy for you.

My other suspicion was that the job role will be dumbed down from being ‘a position of great power and responsibility’ to one that is solely responsible for editing the words ‘Muslim’ and ‘immigrant’ from every barry post for the previous 4 years. I am sure that won’t be the case though and hope we can get along with some mild swiping. So… what is the job role?

Can I propose a new faster counting system for the site? It has taken you the best part of a year to count just over 60 votes. Even with recounts and repeatedly asking “why the fuck did they vote for these idiots?” that is a long time. There must be some online software that helps with the counting in the re-elections that are no doubt due soon?


I’m pretty sure pap wouldn’t alter the terms of the job role even if such an inordinate amount of time has passed since the original vote that no one can remember exactly what the role was supposed to be in the first place. That sounds highly unlikely to me, but just to be doubly sure perhaps someone should check back through the minutes?