đź“° The most exciting thing to happen in Salisbury since Stonehenge was created

Not really. Most exciting time was 1991 when agen 23 would dress up in drag and gate crash St Swithuns - wouldcall myself Tracy from Westbury and cadge free thunderbird


You were good at cadging that thunderbird, Trace. Suprised you got time to drink any, mind!

There as always time for a few extra mouthfuls

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I was listening to the news tonight and heard that they’d _sent _200 chemical weapons specialists into Salisbury. They would not have had far to go, given that our chemical weapons research centre, the oldest in the world, is just up the road.


Aldermarston. It’s pretty much about sending a message now. They’ve identified the nerve agent, it’s not sarin or VX it can be traced to a lab in Russia. It’s Putin leaving a calling card.

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Something whiffs here.


He did the same thing with Litvinenko, Polonium is the most traceable agent. MI5 traced Lugavoi from his hotel to the plane and back to Moscow, there was a literal radiation trail

Russia isn’t governed by ideology, it’s a gangster state.

Question, @saintbristol .

If the hypothetical man from Mars were weighing up the most aggressive warmongers since the end of the Cold War, taking into account international law, do you think Russia would come top?

Another question.

Is this statement without evidence:-

a) The random SaintBristol statements we’ve come to know and love.
b) The random TedMaul statements we’ve come to know and love.
c) A strict adherence to Official BBC Reporting Standards (now evidence free).
d) All of the above.

Please say d).

Well to be fair Pap, I can’t always log in here

a) Can’t be arsed

b) I’m illiterate with mobile tech

c) There’s no C

d) Yes, I am Tedmaul and SaintBristol, whatever.

I am a paid stooge by the BBC to infiltrate your website, you got me there :lou_facepalm_2:


You dodged my primary question, @saintbristol .

Not to be confused with @chertsey-saint .

Pretty convenient that all of those specialists were right on the doorstep…



Everyone’s an expert on spies and attempted murder. The fucking arrogance of some of you cunts is astonishing.


We have read all the books and watched all the Films

Experts bloody right we are :lou_lol:

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I even know how to solve them as I once watched an episode of CSI Miami :lou_lol:

No expert, but isn’t it unbelievably convenient for the west, for this to happen now? Almost a gift from the gods(you won’t get the Republican vote without God. It’s still a crusade for them).

It’s just another part of the game that is pipeline politics. It’s always about energy/resources. Always has been, always will.

A US Army document concedes the real interests driving US military strategy toward Russia: dominating oil pipeline routes, accessing the vast natural resources of Central Asia, and enforcing the expansion of American capitalism worldwide.


Has any of the western propaganda come from Avaaz or Purpose? Because if it has it’s undoubtedly a lie.

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I played GOT Cluedo at Xmas and won. I am therefore Spy-master general so you can all fuck right off with your half-backed conspiracy theories

backed = baked


They have spies in Hawaii 5-0 and Elementary, I worked out the whole story as well now.

Meanwhile back to conspiracies and State sponsored murder.

Dr Kelly #cough


From down here, the MOST ludicrous unexpected result of all this has been FB friends I’ve not seen for years popping up from around the world asking if my family are OK…

Jeez, where were they back in the late 60’s and 70’s when Salisbury was just about 1st on any “First Strike” list because of the importance of Porton & Boscombe not to mention all the military bases just north of the City.

Where’s Ed Snowden and his crew when we need them eh?

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