🇪🇸 The Pain In Spain

I spent a month of my life in Spain in 1994 over two fortnight long holidays. The girl I was staying with claimed she’d never been abroad. I spotted a souvenir from Portugal, so queried that claim.

“Oh, Portugal is not abroad”

This is fucking disgraceful. An unwanted demonstration of what happens when push comes to shove.

These people are not fighting the police. They are being brutalized.

Only the English are right wing and have fascists, this isn’t right, this will confuse the liberals…

It wasn’t too long ago that Spain was a dictatorship. Seems that it hasn’t been forgotten.

Mid you, we’ve got form for suppressing alterative views


Suppressing alternative views?

Go on.

Ok, for starters, how about Ulster, the miners, anti-austerity marches, I could go on, but a quick interweb search will show you plenty more Baz

Could add the London riots, but that was mainly opportunist scrotes…


How were Ulster views ever suppressed? The comedy of a voiceover of Adams was priceless comedy, don’t just say the miners what example of the miners?

Political suppression? Quite possibly there has been some but ALL do that and we’re far far far better than nearly all, not perfect but better than most.

Jesus for political comment and protest we’re a very good place for having a pop at the state.
The liberals won’t like that but name better?

You might like to check out ‘The battle of the bean fields’, and some of the footage of the UK police terrorizing women and children, smashing up their homes etc. Made the Spanish police look like choirboys. Also, as CS pointed out, the treatment meted out to the Miners in the 80s, squaddies masquerading as police, It doesn’t get much more fascist than that. This country’s hands are far from clean when it comes to agents of the state acting in a fascistic manner towards dissenters.


You are right Barry, I am confused. WTF are you talking about?

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Thank you @nottarf-krap

Can’t disagree with the miners, the tory bastards will never be forgiven for that or moreso Thatcher.

I still maintain we’re better than most, again not perfect but better than most.

And i would maintain that the behaviour of the police at the battle of the bean field shows beyond doubt that we are certainly not better than most. A heavily pregnant woman being beaten to the ground with a baton wielded by a policeman with his features obscured by a full face helmet when she tried to stop them smashing her home up. Surrounded by her screaming children. When push comes to shove we would give the squads in South and latin America a run for their money. Perhaps we are marginally better than them. But it would be a close call.

How many occasions has this happened compared to others?

That is the question.
You only think we’re marginally better than some Latin Americans countries in policing?

Give your head a wobble.

It’s beeing reported that 9 Spanish Guarda have been injured. Maybe they strained something whilst beating women children and the elderly?

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At least we got out the EU dictatorship without police batons.

How many occasions it has happened is totally irelevant Barry, the only relevant point is that it has happened. I’m not talking about general everyday policing, i’m talking about groups of people, be they miners, hippy travellers etc, who are deemed by the powers that be to be a serious challenge to the accepted order of things, being met by the full force of the state acting in a clearly fascistic manner. Military cavalry charges at Orgreave, unidentifiable police smashing up these dissident’s homes, pregnant women being beaten with nightsticks in front of their screaming children. In the case of Orgreave, mass forgery of police notes, co-ordinated mass perjury by police, which was so inept that it was torn to shreds and laughed out of court. The BBC, as has now been admitted, reversing the footage of the Orgreave military cavalry charge to give the totally false impression that they were reacting to a charge by rock throwing miners, when the opposite was the case. All fed to the masses on the 6-o clock news, and repeated ad infinitum for weeks. I would call that fascism Barry, regardless of how often it happens. What would you call it?

I will admit to a touch of hyperbole in my remarks about South and Latin America, i should have said some South and Latin American countries, as of course some are far worse than others. Of course we don’t round people up in football stadiums never to be seen again,. Yet. (hyperbolic joke)! But neither do a lot of them. Of course all of them are ‘robust’ in their policing of demonstrations, dealing with public displays of dissent, some more robust than others. I would maintain that the documented, fascistic behaviour of the establishment in this country, and their willingness to order our ‘forces of law and order’ to collude in this behaviour by doing their bidding, puts us right up there in terms of robustness. There are absolutely no grounds for any smugness on our part regarding the situation in Spain.