Time Lady

Well I would like to show her my sonic screwdriver

Darleks have PMT…why not Dr. Who?

Wasn’t she in Broadchurch? The one whose nipper got murdered in the first series

Imagine the bile that would have been spouted if the BBC had announced a female, black, Irish, one-legged, single mother lesbian as the new Dr?

I think the BBC played the safe and easy option.


I just had a look at the Guardians article and comments. Transfer Irish for hijab wearing Muslim and it’s already there. I hear the mails comment section is hilarious.

The BBC will take lots of flak, from people(ok men), that struggle with the concept of a fictional, shape shifting alien, taking whichever form it likes(a bit like Top Gear).

Script and acting ability will determine whether she succeeds in the role and i’ve read nothing but glowing reports about her acting.


Odd though, if my little boy had been killed in a quaint seaside town, and I could travel in time and space, I’d nip back and save him.

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In some respects it’s almost a shame that they gave the role of Missy to Michelle Gomez, as she could have made a great Doctor. Then again, she made a great Missy.


Whats with all this unveiling stuff they should have left it untill number 12 regenerated and then introduced the new Doctor.

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She was good in Broadchurch. I just wish that they had grasped the nettle and cast a female muslim.

I’m hoping that she does not take the fake Dorset accent from Broadchurch to the Tardis!

Looking forward to the new series.

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I suppose if you can regenerate then a set of different genitalia shouldn’t present a problem.

The thing about Dr Who is that it is shit. Always has been. And it ruined Malcolm Tucker.


If you need a chuckle check out #notmydoctor


I have never had a problem with female doctors, I would much rather a pretty young female doctor was asking me to cough or bend over for an inspection than a 65 year old grizzled male doctor.

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the missing link?

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Well, that’s the International Sales buggered then…

Nobody outside Wessex will understand her accent