:tories: Tories in trouble?

Rudd has been caught as well.

Rudd promised the prime minister she would oversee the forced or voluntary departure of 10% more people than May managed when she was home secretary, partly by switching money for crime-fighting to her immigration enforcement programme.



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Shameful. The reputation this country once had in the world for basic, common decency is fast disappearing down the toilet. The Prime Minister and Home Secretary scrabbling around trying to find others to take responsibility for this shameful state of affairs is puke-making to watch.


What he says about dealing with the department and how they now say they look forward to hearing from him and resolving the issues, reminded me of the Gary Younger article you posted.

They knew they were doing wrong. Virtually every time my colleague Amelia Gentleman wrote about a person’s case, the Home Office would contact their lawyers within a day – sometimes within an hour – of the article going online to say the problem had been resolved.

So treat them like shit until someone with a voice notices.


We can deport first and hear appeals later.

Yeah, that’s not unfair and certainly won’t ruin anybody’s life.

More evidence of the rabid move toward appearing as hard on immigrants as, the then powerful, UKIPpers were.

Dunno who the ‘bird’ with the long hair is, though.

Probably disappeared into a parliamentary backwater - nobody that looks that uncomfortable in their own skin would ever achieve high office.


And here are Corbyn’s words from the same day. Video is at the end of the article.


Nice one @saint-or-sinner .

And here’s the video you mention…


I’ve just shared the bollocks off this on social media.


Cheers for linking it @saintbletch

Watching them back to back is enlightening.

Maybe the Labour Party should just post videos of Corbyn’s previous. Like this from 2015.



The son of a windrush generation woman who has been in care. I’ve been seeing that local authorities should sort the status of kids like this. Absolutely they’re their corporate parent. They should make sure they will be safe and secure.

This hostile environment is making me so angry.


You’re not the only one Intiniki. Just been reading about an 82 year old woman who has been here since the 1950s, answered the call for Commonwealth citizens to help rebuild the country after the war, worked as a nurse in the NHS. Children and grandchildren here. She went to Jamaica for a funeral and was denied right of return. Absolutely shameful. Today it is being reported that the government plans to force people to prove their identities at polling stations in May’s local elections. Which will disenfranchise members of minority ethnic communities, according to a leaked letter to ministers from the equality and human rights watchdog. This lot need to be ousted, whichever way you cut it this is fascism, pure and simple. This is not the country i grew up in, what is happening now is indefensible. Fast reaching the stage where i am ashamed to be British.

I mentioned this about two months ago and got absolutely no responce as i said it is the governments way of intoducing an identity card by the back door.

Which it is of course.


Andrew Rawnsley writes “Even its authors agree this is an appalling scandal. So why has no one resigned?”

The main thing I learnt from that article is a new word - ‘banjax’

Good word. I learnt that Rawnsley is another “friend of Israel”. Why list all the ministers that were forced to quit and why, except for one(unrelated reasons)?

Pie is on form today.

“Good slogan for the local elections”


I think he was describing my northern relatives - several of them actually work in Greggs.

A good vid, but very disappointed he didn’t mention banjaxing.

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That is excellent

It would make a very good advert for the local elections(maybe have to lose the swearing) and timely reminder of the hate and division that the present government rely on.

They really fucked up picking on these people. It can’t be forgotten and i doubt it will. A lot of older people will know someone in this situation and for younger people, it’s their own friends parents and grandparents. That’s going to stick.