šŸ¤³ Unashamed self promotion - ok or not?

Iā€™m in a coffee shop so canā€™t listen at the moment.

I can, however, say that I did like the spectral analysis of the Soundcloud track but didnā€™t like the shirt of the guitarist in the FB clip.

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I refuse to check out ANY link until you come back with a review of Electric Pyramidā€¦

(Family ties)


Itā€™s the Ozzy White Stripes, except with loose fit trousers, and a more attractive drummer. Get a bassist, Ozzy Dave!


Nice one Dave! Sounds great!

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Thankfully @bearsy we now have a bassist! Unfortunately @saintbletch I donā€™t have that many performance shirts. Next time Iā€™ll go for the Pink Floyd tee :lou_lol:


Thanks @coxford_lou :smile:

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I can very much imagine a Sotonians band with:

Bletch - vocals and tambourine/shaker/other percussion

Pap - vocals and electric guitar strumming in exaggerated fashion

Bearsy on bass

BBB on drums

The Dubai Massive on background vocals

Intiniki - keyboard

Tokyo - roadie, band manager


Oh, and Rallyboy, bongos.

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I donā€™t want to be Bass! I want to be Vibes+Atmosphere, like i.e Bez


Thatā€™s how I always think of bass players!


Lemme know if you need a shirt consultant.

Donā€™t worry about payment, just put aside some tickets for me next time Iā€™m in, ah fuck, Iā€™m not going to Australia, youā€™re on your own.

But remember this, fame never came knocking at the door of a man wearing a crisply ironed short sleeved cyan affair in polyester.

Will use my ears more and my eyes less when I get home.



Bearsy - groupie

Goatboy - vibes and atmosphere

Tigger - Bass

I thought I could supply the groupies?

What does everybody want?


Get in the band, Lou.


Wait, hold on, Iā€™m not happy with that either! The thing about face-fucking groupies, is you have to be on the right end of it!

@dubai_phil v good vibe. I like their logo too. ā€œRomeā€ was my fav. The video forgot the part where one of the girls gets left out of the fun and starts yelling at the other two from across the roadā€¦oh waitā€¦

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Yeah, I wouldnā€™t have been so bold to say it. But I agree. If youā€™re going to be a rock star, you gotta go for the fitted shirts, slightly crumpled like itā€™s been in a suitcase too long, and probably with some kind of cowboy styling.

Itā€™s an unspoken rule.


Iā€™m the svengali.

Yeah, I can just see @pap and I tag-teaming on There is a Light my Fire That Never Goes out.

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Iā€™ll be more slutty and appropriate for the times when I choose my next show attire :lou_wink_2:

Donā€™t worry, when I do my first show in UK, Iā€™ll put all your names on the door :lou_sunglasses:

Iā€™ll also be wearing said polyester shirt for the first few songs only to rip it open to show my Saints top for all of the footballing world to see :cool: