When did this become a thing?

I genuinely didn’t know what these are, so had to look it up online. I did it in incognito mode at work as i feared (hoped?) it would be saucy.

All i can say is “for fucks sake”, for fucks sake.



God, it makes you realise that there just isn’t enough vomit in the world, is there? Almost makes you lose the will to live!


I think that can be filed under “nobody gives a fuck except you” next to " we are only coming to the baby shower because we fear being socially ostracised if we don’t".

Mawkish shite


A couple krGF knows actually had a party just to do this.

It involved uploading some god awful video to social media, with opening pink/blue boxes and balloons coming out and shit.

It made me angry. I’ve refused to go to the actual baby shower as a protest.


‘Playdates’ kids don’t just play anymore or have a friend over. Apparently, it involves a whole load of middle-class adults talking at you about how good their kids is at stuff. Someone at work invited me to one of these just last week and I actually replied with a laugh and a “fuck off” cause I thought she was taking the piss/joking. Turns out she wasn’t and was a bit offended. However she knows what I am like (which is why I thought she was taking the piss) so will get over it.


Play date??? WTF???

What is that? Having a couple of pals over to play? Do you have to invite the parents as well? Is it just one or a moresome?

This sounds like some sort of bullshit mumsnet creation. Why does everything need a name these days.

Playdate, my arse.


Tell me that men are not being invited to baby showers now.


It’s a very good system, for parents of a certain kind. No risk of their precious baby mixing with the wrong kind this way. I’d imagine they decide what the kids can play as well(probably a fun mensa test).

Imagine when we were young, our parents choosing our friends for us. Fuck off is the only sensible answer, for your sake as much as your kids.


I don’t know for sure, but I imagine we’re talking i.e. toddlers here, aren’t we?

Toddlers today are more than capable of making complex decisions as to who they want around them…


Is this like when previously staunch heterosexual father of four “Big Dave” the truck driver announces that he is now Tallulah and is becoming a lap dancer and insists on her/his inalienable right to use women’s toilets?

I thought we workd out that @coxford_lou was actually Big Dave the truck driver…

Dead man walking here guys…We’ll miss you Bob…

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Donno, I have a mate who has a kid the same age as mine and he goes to this shit all the time. I have seen some photos and it looks horrendous. Just a load of women standing around (some preggers of course) eating humous and chatting shit about their kids. The men are either put in a room and made to talk with each other or just stand around like a spare wheel. I have never been as 1) I am generally anti-social for this kind of shite, 2) they organise them to coincide with matches and 3) the one time I was directly invited I replied by laughing and telling the invitee to fuck off.

The counter-argument is that if my kid is not going to this kind of thing to socialise with other kids they will grow up to be as anti-social as me and not want to hang around a posh woman’s house on match days talking about how difficult it is to get into X school or her kids advanced reading age.


Not so sure about that. To my knowledge the parents hold on desperately, until a very annoyed 17 year old says “fuck off dad, i don’t want to hang around with you and those twats you think are interesting”.

Could just be me though :lou_facepalm_2:


I fucking hate that shit. It’s bad enough having to pick my kids up from school surrounded by trackie-wearing cunts with neck tattoos. Actually spending time in a room with these people is too much. Turns out most of them think I’m a rude cunt. I’m good with that as most people are fucking dicks anyway.


When did your elitism become a thing? Is it long-standing or a consequence of your recent job move into the private school sector?

Either way, it _must _be torturous for you personally.

Whooosh! :lou_lol:

Quiet now troll. The adults are talking.