Who is Heisenberg/Glasgow Saint/Bournemouth Saint/Batman/?

More to the point, is Glasgow_Saint going to disagree with New York Saint on anything, and will they have big arguments about these things? Are we about to hear the sound of one hand clapping?

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Three and four are what heart breaking cunts like H do.

Well one day I won’t be there. I’m sick of your flirting with Always. I still have some self respect left. You have never been the same since Turkish the Les lover did one. Things changed and I could tell it wasn’t to be But I kept trying, much in vain. I still felt the odd connection and hoped that you would notice. Anyway I came here and found the support from sisters and brothers that I needed and deserved. Don’t think you can make everything alright just by turning up.


Feck me, you’re so needy…

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Can we have the @glasgow_saint that used to frequent the lounge please? Not the argue the toss for the sake of arguing the toss @glasgow_saint incarnation.

I thought Bournemouth Saint was sort of alll right then he moved north and weird

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I have been glasgow saint for a bit but with his approval. I think I still have his twitter account.

Yeah, that’s not weird.


Can I have an ignore button. He is more irritating than thrush.

A weak backhand serve. A few years ago me and bear would swap identities on different forums. I think we might et Glasgow and even Orange peel have a log in for different reasons - mainly around their bannings. It was a few years ago, we were having a laugh, you were saying Lee Rigby’s death was faked and fake blood was used - true story.

You have killed off anyone interested, bored me and bear to the point of extinction and have now hit google analytics to find hits are down. Shit! what gets hits up? A Tokes Barnie. Let’s go!

This WhatsApp group is getting pretty low on my list of my list of priorities. But for old times sake, one more insult for you scouse midget and your hits.

Whats weird is wandering around like a dwarf slut from Dun Morogh with a personality disorder. Getting banned yourself and then begging someone to help you start your own forum only to act like a cunt to them once it got up and running. Being in your 40s, being what appears to be bright but despite having a large family, showing no interest in owing assets and securing their future. Above all, giving the impression you have morals and even deceiving decent people into bletch believing you have any integrity whatsoever.

Hope this helps the SEO through the quiet offseason you little cuntnugget.


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Yeah, that’s not weird.

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Glasgow, not Tokes. However if Tokes is Glasgow, he can fuck off an all.

Lovely bit of conspiracy theory there, @cb-saint . I approve.

Could it be that Tokes has actually been all of the city based punctuated Saints of our age?

@bathsaint is naturally excluded. No punctuation, the kinky bugger.

I’m officially confused over the backstory going on here - mildly amusing as it seems by all accounts.

I don’t really give a toss if Tokes is Glasgow and or Heisenberg, Bear or whoever.

If whoever doesn’t like it here then why visit?


Think they’ve left their car keys here? Unrequited spite? Who knows?

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Christ, how long before the season starts?


The bitching season? Looks like we’re having the pre season friendlies at the moment.


Car keys?

You’re not trying to tell me this is one of those specialist swinger type sites?!?!


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They all end up in @saintbletch 's room. He drives about in the cars. Does crimes. Furtively and most unwisely drives down towpaths with full beam on to see if people are having sex in the bushes.

The slush fund to keep the coppers quiet and the car insurance heavy mob at bay is running out.

It’s becoming a genuine problem.


Ah, hence the World Cup “sweepstake” to top up the slush fund. There are no kiddies, only those of us kidded into parting with a fiver…:

It all becomes clear now @pap


It’s Scotland not getting to the World Cup, isn’t it?

2018, that is.

Not 2002, 2006, 2010 or 2014.

Also, @tokyo-saint , I’m not sure about the bit in bold.

Were people deceived into believing that I believe @pap has integrity?

Of was I deceived too into believing @pap has integrity?

FWIW, I think @pap 's got loads of integrity - he’s just really fucking weird. Lol. And as I’ve said before, he’s much more difficult to hate in real life.

*Sorry if I’m being thick but I’ve just done a 6-hour round-trip to Wolverhampton (A34 South closed at M40) to buy a second-hand tent. And no, that’s not the opening line to a really funny joke.

P.S. I had to Google Dun Morogh - nice reference.

P.P.S Orange Peel. That’s a name I hadn’t heard for a while.