Who's line is it anyway sexy edition-setting the stage and discussion

Ffs @bearsy stop moaning you’re in it!

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Burning question is, is @btripz going to get a vote from anyone in this poll?

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not me, I’m gonna be in the audience, Masturbating

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If I had ever watched Have I Got News for You and knew what the fuck you were talking about then there might be more buy in from me…

I also haven’t actually seen Mock The Week, but I can still understand what’s going on here, you stupid @btripz

@bearsy yep :lou_lol:

Since you’re feeling left out @btripz I’ve decided to give you a part. You can be @dubai_phil long term cuck boyfriend @btripz . Thanks for your cooperation!

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A Big Kat Diary live if you will? If the Clive Anderson Will’s it, so it shall come to pass.

Could we have some more nominations from the greater Clive Anderson please. Actors, settings, character profiles etc with up votes according to taste for judging purposes?

My proposal for a setting is a Bulgarian ski resort.

Setting: The Runnymede Masonic Lodge. A sprawling mock Tudor nightmare with limited parking.


Tiger was looking over his new crazy golf course that Rupert had convinced the Chinese State construction to build.

He was perplexed.

So Rupert. Just what am I supposed to do with these Monkey Chickens?

Well obviously Tiger you’re supposed to pet them while Kat watches so the Bear can shoot all over Anastasia’s ample bosons.

Now, can you hurry up because Dubai Phil is bringing someone in to Sheikh my booty and there’s a hockey match on MOTD with Clive in it


@saintbletch a sports clothing tycoon and well known pervert. Partial to wearing ladies underwear beneath his tartan plus fours and fond of a frilled dress shirt in mauve. Tarquin is ruthless and cruel but his favours can be purchased for the price of half a cider. A useless drunk, he has been known to piss himself at the drop of a pastel fedora.


@goatboy a psittacosis-riddled defrocked vicar and pigeon fancier, much given to plunging his malformed member into the unwilling orifices of his long-sufffering flock. Apart from trips to the newsagent for a packet or two of ready rubbed, he rarely ventures out, prefering to watch endless reruns of Coronation Street with the mummified remains of his family.

But this night he feels something stirring in his innermost being, a visceral need to be elsewhere - no matter how far he must travel. He bids his pigeons a rather too fond farewell and, several hours later, ventures out into the night. Impelled onwards by an urge he cannot explain, he walks for many long nights, spending his days resting in woods, hoping to lay his hands on a finch or two. Eventually, he reaches his destination. He doesn’t know where he is, just that this is where he must be. He emerges from a thicket and reads the sign at the side of the road.



What the fluttering fuck is this lot?


@chertsey-saint like you I am completely and utterly confused by this.

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Your name ain’t plastered all over it though… :lou_angry:

It is, it’s just hidden in the new @btripz


@btripz & @chertsey-saint BWAAAAAAARK!!!

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Narwhal sniffs the Surrey air.

“I can smell her. I can smell the desparation. The wanton longing. I know she’s nearby. If only my arse would stop leaking and I could shake these sweats. I have to get a grip. Fucking birds will be the death of me.”