Will The Running Man be on in 2017?

People lose their shit on Facebook over Back to the Future, especially this year when the second film is set. Hover boards? Happened. Sorta. In limited circumstances.

Flying cars? Nah. Consign it to the dustbin futuristic history that never came to pass, along with Khan Noonian Singh’s genetically engineered 1990 takeover of most is Asia.

One movie that might make the grade is The Running Man, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and featuring a dystopian future in which contestants are hunted by futuristic gladiators in a pursuit to the death.

Sadly we do not have The Running Man, but we do have Channel 4’s The Hunted starting tomorrow at 9 p.m. Now there is no indication that the contestants will be killed, but surely it’s a foot in the door moment, and the omens are good.

Cameron could simply _showbiz _the current DWP program and we could always threaten benefit sanctions to induce people to appear on the show.

And we’ve got two years, two beautiful tyrannical years of the Tories in control aligned with Murdoch media before the 2017 canon is violated.

Can we do it? Will an authentic version of The Running Man be on our screens by 2017?


You could start with chasing the Migrants back out of Europe.

Think you will find it is already on Pap.

You just need to google certain extreme Islamist web sites…

Originally posted by @PhilippineSaint

You could start with chasing the Migrants back out of Europe.

It might be fun to see a televised sequel to the Phillippine insurrection. This time, the locals are REALLY pissed off.

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