XMB boxes? Can anyone recommend one?

I want a couple of those stream things, just moved and have got all the sky stuff but want it for the Boxing/UFC and knitting channels, any good ones you people can assure they will work for my rotary meetings.

60 notes.


Do I have to build it? I want a plug in and go, not a Point Dexter special.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Do I have to build it? I want a plug in and go, not a Point Dexter special.

No you don’t. I’ll do it for you.

180 notes now though, nip. You sure you wouldn’t be better off reading or researching something instead?

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£180 for a blag box?

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

£180 for a blag box?

60 for the hardware.

120 for my labour / your laziness.

I think that’s fair :laughing:

I’ll think I’ll order one pre assembled and one not programed for goat porn, any ideas for ones already made?

Get a fire TV stick and put Kodi on it.
