
Personnly if I found that a foetus of mine had downs and it was still possible to do so I would abort it. I have known lots of people with downs and they have all been lovely people could not say a bad thing against them but they do not have the quality of life and the carer’s for them do not have the quality of life that they should really have.

Slippery slope tho ain’t it. You start binning off the poor old Downsters, and before you know it ur applying the twisted coat hanger to bros that have just got big nose, or small winkles.

Edit: No offence pap.


Pap’s not downs…

I must say Downs kids are lovely kids. A cousin of mine had a Downs child nearly 40 years ago and have loved and cared for her as any parent would but despite all that, when I asked what they would advise anyone who had a positive test for a Downs Syndrome child…it was to terminate if the chance were presented.

There’s no right and wrong in situations like this, just what’s right and wrong for you.

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It’s heartbreaking really.

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Hi PS, and here is another debate - quality of life? We think just because someone has to struggle to do things that “normal” people do, but does that mean that their life doesnt have quality? Also there are people who work as carers who are very fulfilled by helping others less fortunate. Sorry, I am not picking on you, but I do think that we are on a very slippery slope when we terminate lives on grounds such as quality of life.


Quality of life yes this is person specific and you cant say exactly what each persons goals are

But when you are parents in your fifties and putting your 20 year old daughter in nappies and not being able to leave her for more than 1 hour without getting somebody else to check she is ok is not exactly quality of life. I dont know if this is harsh but when the daughter passed away the parents were not only happy that she would not have to struggle any further but they could also start to live life for their own enjoyment. this is only one example and I am pretty certain there will be many more like this out there.

It is a difficult area and I think it is hard to legislate for these circustances, People need to make their own decisions. Not the same I know, but my Mum passed away last year. When she was in hopsital my brother and I were asked if we wanted to to be resustitated if she crashed whilst in there. She was 84 and very frail. It was the hardest decision we ever had to make between us but it was right that we made the decision and not some faceless bureaucrat.

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Very true.