Anjem Choudary charged with a terrorism offence

So, at the moment I’ve got this imbalance in my inner-ear. It is very disorientating and is making me nauseous. The doc’ has given me tablets for the nausea but said that only time will fix my balance.

Anyway, the tablets have obviously had an effect on me because I came over really tired earlier, so took a nap (an executive one), and I’ve now woken to a world where Furball has left the forum again (but hasn’t), pap has deleted posts (and been a self-confessed twat again), and Bear and Furball are having a sensible discussion about freedom of speech without Furball derogatorily calling Bear ‘Brian’.

That’s some weird shit I’m poppin’.


Calling Brian Brian is derogatory? Some of my best friends are Brians!


I don’t doubt that, Furball, but are they Brians?

Damn, I missed the controversy. Can you retype your deleted post, Bearsy?

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Gotcha. Henceforth I’ll call him by his honorific - Dr Earsy of Raqqa.


It was really nothing, Lou. Or if it was something it was a sign of the times.

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Did we ever determine Brian’s doctoral status?

Is it medical, or a post-grad, non-medical doctorate?

He’s obviously highly-unintelligible, so it could be either.

I’ve also seen some anatomically accurate descriptions in some of his posts which might suggest he has medical training - gynecological would be my guess.

Not really sure, but I have a feeling it was something non-doctoral.

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At least make it up for me. I enjoy a good controversy.

Bear was making a point about freedom of speech.

Pap deleted it.

Better add an emoticon for ‘oh, the irony’ to your list. :smile: