Bonfire shite

Fatso, I down voted you because you’ve been a complete and utter fucking cunt with comments on this thread and the Poppy one.

Grow up little man - people are allowed to have different opinions to those you’ve got from reading the Sun or Daily Fail…

Normally you post amusing / interesting / funny comments - so hopefully you are just pished… Hopefully…assuming you weren’t just being “ironic”…?

I only like fireworks if they’re strapped to Fatso. Tight. With gaffer tape. And they burn him bad. And he squeals like a fat pig.

Goatboy you’re a bad man

Went to one of the displays (in the New Forest rather than the city), managed to get out before the one exit got clogged and then curled up with the lady to watch V For Vendetta. Not a bad night, all told.

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Leave Fatso alone. He might be a cunt. But he’s our cunt.

Plus I’m still chuckling about him finally losing hs shit at Trampoline.

Originally posted by @cobham-saint

Originally posted by @Fatso

On reflection, I do hate people who like fireworks.

Fatso, I down voted you because you’ve been a complete and utter fucking cunt with comments on this thread and the Poppy one.

Is this a genuine post or are you being ironic or were you pissed? Here are the three posts I’ve made on this thread that have earned me the accolade of “complete and utter fucking cunt”:

  1. “It wasn’t me but it might have been someone who loves fireworks. We need to do some digging and find out if anyone has been posting positive things about fireworks”

  2. “I find fireworks incredibly dull. I don’t hate people who like fireworks, I just pity them.”

  3. “On reflection, I do hate people who like fireworks”

i didn’t have you down as an idiot, but it seems I was wrong.

If your comments are more based on my posts on the poppy thread, then can I suggest you go and look up the term satire and that you downvote those as they’re more likely to be seen as offensive.

if you think I get my opinions from the Daily Mail then I’m really not sure you’ve ever understood anything I’ve posted.

Went to an organised display last night. It must have cost thousands of pounds and was all over in 20 minutes. They ran out of food in the bbq too which didnt help my mood. But the place was packed and the huge crowd obviously enjoyed the display. I totally agree that fireworks shouldnt be sold to the general public. There are so many well run displays now that there is no need. Having said that I had a great time as a kid setting off bangers in the streets :lou_sunglasses:

I hate people who (ironically) hate people who (satirically) hate people who hate fireworks.


I once staged a pyrotechnic effect, with the help of Gary Rowe, involving a Chieftain tank that had crashed into the rotting wood of the vicar’s garage.

I was 8 or 9 and had raided bins for Corona bottles (that had refundable deposits - remember those?) and raised enough cash to give to Dave Arundel (an older boy) to buy us a packet of bangers.

We emptied out the gunpowder, put a pool of it under the tank together with another banger and then made a little trail of powder. We retired to a safe distance, lit it and, well, Geoge Lucas would have been proud.

Pleased with our work we went to the park to play football with the audience of kids who had watched our fine work.

When I got home 2 hours later the police were at my house. As I was walked into the back alley we could see Hampshire Fire and Rescue diligently attending to the vicar’s smouldering garage.

I was grounded.

A lot.

I’m not a massive fan of fireworks now.


I like the ones that go SSSHHHHHHhrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssk…BANG… cracklecracklecrackle. I don’t like the red flare ones that hang in the air for ages like a glowing hemorrhoid. And I like my fireworks set to music, preferably Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica (original series) soundtracks, or even Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds.

But I agree they shouldn’t be sold to the general public, especially in a world where a bag of peanuts still needs to have a warning that it may contain nuts.

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I went to a display last night, but only because I was paid.

It’s how I roll.

They were okay.

The End.

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Public display, fine. Neighbours fucking about with explosive missiles, not so keen.


I done fireworks on Saturday. Me and my little niece in the park.

What you don’t get at the big public displays is catherine wheels. We had a catherine wheel.

When I was a kid a group of us bought a load of rockets, we found that you could load them in a tube and set them alight and they’d be like RPG’s

One was fired at one of our group and it “stuck” to his coat, basically it hit at the right angle and stayed there.

Luckily he managed to bat it off before it blew up.

We didn’t learn, we carried on, great fun!!!


Fireworks shouldn’t be sold to the general public, it’s too dangerous

I do like that film

We did this with bits of old drain pipe. On one occasion, one of our mates stuffed the rocket inside the pipe and put it on his shoulder to aim at the opposing team. The dick head pointed the launcher upward “to take the range into account”. The rocket slid out the back and landed at our feet. Panic ensued as kids scattered in all directions.

Bangers were used as grenades as well. (Particularly effective when combined with catapults)

How no one ever got hurt remains a mystery to this day.


I’ve been playing the responsible adult up 'til now but as other fuckwits have outed themselves I though I’d better chip in too.

In my day…early to mid 1960s when I was old enough to buy them and stupid enough to abuse them, firework fights were a right of passage. Favourites were “Air Bombs” …all pretty “Roman Candle” then spitting out an explosive charge that went off supposedly 25 feet in the air if safely planted in the ground. We didn’t plant them safely in the ground we held in a gloved hand…and shot them at each other.

A near thing came after we’d emptied the contents of all the “failed to go off” fireworks into a paint pot. Didn’t realise it was an oil-based paint and the kid who dropped a lighted match into the cocktail didn’t get back quickly enough and the whole thing went up in his face. Mostly shocked but the poor kid was screeming…his Beetle fringe had gone, along with his eyebrows, eyelashes and the scorched peach-fluff on his face rendering him instantly negroid.

We led him to A&E at Lymington Hospital and beat a hasty retreat…his dad was after us for several weeks afterwards. :lou_surprised:

Thankfully no lasting damage after they cleaned him up…lesson learned.



We would convene in the local woods tooled up with several box of bangers and matches and spend an hour or two running around throwing them at each other. The trick was to wait as long as you could while the fuse was burning so then when you threw it the banger had a better chance of exploding by your intended target. This often meant that the banger went off in you hand. For a few seconds you werent sure if you had lost your fingers of not. Unbelievably stupid thing to do but it was great fun at the time. Happy days!