Bounty huntin'

Think the points need to be relative - bring on board one of the complete fuckwits, and some sort of punsihment should surely be administered, rather than a ‘reward’ :lou_facepalm_2:

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I found it hidden between the Everton Mints and Midget gems, do I get my 100 points?

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Be careful what you wish for. Given that we’ve already confirmed we will do that, some people may say “hey, that Cracked Rib is a bit of a fuckwit”, and you could be hoisted up on your own suggestion!

As a self-invitee you’ll incur the loss, unfortunately.

It rarely happens, but as Pap has said, I beat you to it. :innocent: See earlier definition of PPPPPP giving rise to 1000 point reduction.

Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @areloa-grandee

Think the points need to be relative - bring on board one of the complete fuckwits, and some sort of punsihment should surely be administered, rather than a ‘reward’ :lou_facepalm_2:

Be careful what you wish for. Given that we’ve already confirmed we will do that, some people may say “hey, that Cracked Rib is a bit of a fuckwit”, and you could be hoisted up on your own suggestion!

As a self-invitee you’ll incur the loss, unfortunately

Indeed, maybe fuckwit was the wrong term - I can be a fuckwit with the best of them… maybe arseholes is better. If I were to be docked my hard earned points…i would…er…

Apologies Bucks… I will done the metal cilice and nsure suitable punishment :lou_surprised:

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Up it to 150 points and you got a deal. Or maybe put a proper price on named swf heads.

I’ll get you Boj for 5000 points. You have my word on that.

That’ll be the Hypo hunter ‘back to zero’ badge.

Given I persuaded Bucks to join, what’s that worth? Am I in the positive or negative? :lou_wink:

It strikes me that, as well as recruiting new members, it might be useful to investigate why a fair number of the 134 existing members very rarely, if at all, post on here any longer.

Now, I know there could be a variety of reasons for this, and that some of these reasons may have little or nothing to do with the site itself. For instance, woe betide me for burdening my fellow sotonians with my own troubles, but it’s true to say that a personal tragedy has recently befallen me that has severely curtailed my posting frequency …

… Mrs Stickman has retired and now spends most of her time encouraging me to find more constructive things to do than “waste my time on that bloody internet site!”


I’d love to know myself, Halo - but it’s a difficult one to determine unless you start stalking people. Now it’s fine with Tokes and Bear; all parties love it, but I don’t know about chasing people we don’t know so well. Looks a bit desp, and would rather have them idle back someday and find a reason to stick around.


You can tell your missus she’s bang out of order by the way. I think we’re extremely constructive here. Also, back in the seventies it might have been _that bloody woman. _

Thank god for the Internet, eh?

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Quite apart from whether this innovative reward scheme works retrospectively, I am fairly sure that I persuaded you to attend your first match in years, whereupon we first met. It was only this, that later enabled you to get me to join, so I deserve the points for huntin’ myself, right? :cool:

A few more names for people to get from the Other Place, if poss.

Someone has PMed me, saying Secret Site Agent might be a good suggestion. I’d quite like to get Hockey_Saint over here too. Poor fucker deserves a break. Finally, I really miss the haughtiness of Chapel End Charlie in a way I never thought I would.

Thanks to the near unswerving loyalty of Sotonians, a lot of people are now on the register and therefore cannot PM. If you can these people, do. I’m not paying another fiver. The whole idea of theft is you get stuff for free.