Brussels Terror Attacks

I don’t think I’m wrong though.

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @SuperMikey

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

I’m not going to politcally score points for a tragedy but you can not appeal to a culture that does not want to integrate, their religion is above a nation state and the people in it, how many people will have to die for us to realise this. To us our Country, family and freedoms are of the most importance, to many of the Islamic faith that is secondary to their religion.

Amazing how you can accurately describe 1bn+ people with such a simple statement, you’re like the Einstein of Sociology.

I don’t think I’m wrong though.

If ever a sentence summed you up more accurately Baz…


Sorry, but I think you are using this thread to spout more of your nonsense. And it really is such easily defeatable bollocks which borders on racism and possibly crosses the line. Shall we start?

  1. Can’t or won’t integrate.

This was a real surprise to me, as I’m a scion of Muslim, immigrant stock. Pretty much my entire family are walking talking counterpoints to this wholly unreliable claim. I went to school with shitloads of Muslims too; we got merged with the Deanery halfway through school.

  1. How many people have to die?

I know it’s rhetorical, and you don’t really want an answer, but the rhetoric is only one way. Death toll estimates for action in the Middle East since 2001 are well over a million, and I imagine that many of the extremists count family members in those figures.

  1. Religion is the cause, specifically their religion.

If that we’re true, we’ve had practising Muslims in our midst for nigh on 60 years that by your logic, should have seen all of us infidels put to death. I would argue that past and present foreign policy decisions are far more germane to many of those motivations.

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My Muslim auntie has just posted of the time her and my uncle were in Brussels with pictures etc etc titled who worried about terrorism then? I agree.

What have Christian Nigeria or Sudan done then?

Pap you are talking out of your hole. Either you are a Muslim or you are not, if you drink, smoke weed and don’t go to the Mosque you aren’t Mulsim, you were a Muslim.

I’m confused as your Dad openiy had an issue with immigrants and you are a Muslim? I have 2 people in my family from that background but don’t follow it and probably wouldn’t want to be called a muslim, I suspect a person first.

Do you know what scion means, Barry? My dad is English, my mum’s dad is a Muslim. I didn’t get killed for apostasy when I decided not to be religious. Sort of messes with your point about integration, doesn’t it?

I fully understand Pap yes but just beacuse your Grandma was a muslim it doesn’t make you an authoriy on the mulsim issues does it? Ha Ha christ alive.

So, did they integrate?

No, but it does rather disprove your racist sweeping statements.

Originally posted by @saintbletch

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @pap

Originally posted by @Barry-Sanchez

Originally posted by @Bearsy

tks for not trying to score points b.

Bearsy, I am not and I don’t see you disagreeing with my sentiments either, just more peace bro kisses stuff.

Sorry, but I think you are using this thread to spout more of your nonsense. And it really is such easily defeatable bollocks which borders on racism and possibly crosses the line. Shall we start?

  1. Can’t or won’t integrate.

This was a real surprise to me, as I’m a scion of Muslim, immigrant stock. Pretty much my entire family are walking talking counterpoints to this wholly unreliable claim. I went to school with shitloads of Muslims too; we got merged with the Deanery halfway through school.

  1. How many people have to die?

I know it’s rhetorical, and you don’t really want an answer, but the rhetoric is only one way. Death toll estimates for action in the Middle East since 2001 are well over a million, and I imagine that many of the extremists count family members in those figures.

  1. Religion is the cause, specifically their religion.

If that we’re true, we’ve had practising Muslims in our midst for nigh on 60 years that by your logic, should have seen all of us infidels put to death. I would argue that past and present foreign policy decisions are far more germane to many of those motivations.

What have Christian Nigeria or Sudan done then?

Pap you are talking out of your hole. Either you are a Muslim or you are not, if you drink, smoke weed and don’t go to the Mosque you aren’t Mulsim, you were a Muslim.

I’m confused as your Dad openiy had an issue with immigrants and you are a Muslim? I have 2 people in my family from that background but don’t follow it and probably wouldn’t want to be called a muslim, I suspect a person first.

So, did they integrate?

Of course, why wouldn’t they? They don’t define themselves (as far as I know as I dont see either often other than facebook and weddings etc) as muslim as you wouldn’t a christian. They are people and care more for people than a supposed higher God, I know that much.

What have I said that is racist, please link and when you can’t apologise.

We don’t want muslims over here cos they can’t/won’t integrate. What about all the muslims who have already integrated? Well, you can’t consider them muslims, really. If they were true muslims, they wouldn’t have integrated. Stands to reason.


People arenn’t muslims if they don’t follow what their religion says Bearsy,come on lad.

yeah i just wanted to check ur really saying that, cos it seems fkin mental to me.


Pretty much everything which says a group of people are or are not a certain thing because of shared cultural heritage. In this case, it happens to be a religion in which the vast majority of adherents are a different shade than caucasian pink.

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Now you are off in to the land of specualtion, lies and conspriracy Pap, pull yourself together man. I couldn’t give a shite what colour someone is, I care about integration, job security, propects and good work conditions. I tell you that much me lad, you’re yet again reaching.

Here you go:

Originally posted by Barry Sanchez

I think that all muslims are bad cos they speke a funy langauge and they all have bombbs and stuff and alot of them have brown skin and they cum into europe on boats and rape all the women in germany and if it werent for that szechuan rule wed all be happy and more prospirus and all you fanny cunt faux liberals are axtualy like right wing nazis ans I am the ultimate liberal and I cant make my tv fit in my lounge and my computer is brokk and I luv the edl cos they is socialistic like me and I love the way that white people luck white but others dont

I’m sorry, but you cannot deny that shit is racist.

Ah the old make shit up bollocks, how original ha ha.

Cherts is a tory, the end.

I think not, Barry. I also think that _some _of this thread, specifically your own content, amply illustrates what I’m claiming.

No ticket to some far off land of conspiracy, lies and speculation is required. You’re tarring everyone with the same brush based on extremely limited knowledge.

You cannot conceivably claim that all Christians share some traits because of their faith. As we know, there are hugely varying levels of interaction for people baptised in the faith, ranging from atheist to lapsed to devout. My landlady, a Catholic herself, refers to the modern practice of Catholicism as “a la carte”. Few in Ireland swallow all of the dogma completely.

You are actively promoting “fear of the other”, and this is not the only thread in which you have done so.

What’s wrong with Conservative leanings Bazza? Bit rich coming from someone who sits on my right.

And made up? Sorry but it would take some serious skills to sound that much like you…