Climate change deniers

OK, my stance.

Climate change is happening.

Is it natural? Possibly, the world gors through phases of hot to cold to hot

Are humans exacerbating the situation? Probably

Can we do something about it? Maybe

Thanks for your stance :smile:

Seriously :laughing: Genius

I thought bears shit in the woods and you slept during the dark? So what you’re saying is you shit in your sleep to help climate control, that would save on water and use of paper I suppose.

Did you get advice from Pap on how to get the dried winnets out of your fur after smearing?

In a few hours time, my family and I will be on a airplane to the States, burning way more than our fair share of carbon.

All electronic devices are on charge.

To add to our hypocrisy, we are flying from Manchester to Heathrow (totally unnecessarily) and then from Heathrow to LA. Oh, and don’t forget the drive up to Manchester in the first place. This farce actually saves us several hundred quid. :lou_surprised: :lou_eyes_to_sky:


ROAD TRIP ALERT! Post pictures. :lou_lol:

It is, indeed, a bit of a road trip, but with the kids in tow and stopping at all the theme park things in San Diego

oh, and I checked. By flying from Manchester via Heathrow, we save approx £1200! That’s totally bonkers…


I guess they’re not deniers necessarily, but you can pretty much guess they’re priorities.

Wildfires up in Washington State, apparently. Certainly, California was experiencing an unprecedented heatwave while we were over there and all the undergrowth looked pretty much like a tinderbox waiting to burst into flames.

Golfers photographed casually finishing round as forests burn around them

Ive been reading a few articles about American climate change deniers post Irma.

It’s all Gaia isn’t it…

… … fuckin’ getting worse over here, thats for sure … those 6 idyllic weeks each year of baking hot sunshine, no teachers cramping your style and if you were very lucky, Saints winning a cup, seem a lifetime ago !!

… oh hang on :lou_sad:


A while back I’m sure I saw a documentary that provided evidence that hurricane activity in the USA has worsened because of the reduction in air pollution.

Can’t remember the channel / programme but here’s an article from 2013 saying some thing similar.

So arguably worsening hurricanes are man made, but not in the way climate change advocates believe?

An inconvenient truth?


That may well be true but for a tropical storm to form the sea has to be 27 degrees centigrade. That temperature is being met more and more due to climate change. I think read somewhere that the sea hit 30 degrees for Irma.

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Yeah. How does that work in reality both financially and environmentally.

We just saved a similar amount by booking to fly to Bahrain then to Thailand.

Sure direct is more convenient but so is 1000 quid in the bank.

And to hell with the carbon…

Don’t doubt you @fatso , just playing devils advocate.

I think that both sides of the argument seem to only pick the facts that suits their own agenda, when, as the example I gave shows it is likely to be more complex. I’m talking about the “experts” here as a lot of people are basing their careers around climate change and understandably need to have their salaries paid or research grants won.


Totall agree with you on this. We’ve become so accustomed to “Spin” - ie Lies from everywhere.

The Labour Diesel Car policy is a classic examplpe - bloke tells us Diesel Cars are great so we go buy them. Then they say Diesel Cars are MURDERING INNOCENT CHILDREN and Kittens - and people lose money, shrug their shoulders and carry on. The FACT of the Labour Policy was “selective interpretation of data” - it was fucking OBVIOUS to anyone who actually has to drive a car that Trucks spew out shit. But one piece of shit was less bad than the shit from a Petrol Car.

One day someone will likely say the same about Electric Cars - great we stopped using Petrol. But we had to build a Nuclear Power Plant and destroy the scenery of and lives of so many by building wind turbines and 75% of the planet still have to burn fossil fuel to create their power so we burn MORE.

Earth is a Complex System. Politicians are Black or White - soundbites - never grey and NEVER Complex. Increased Sun Spot activity, axis wobbling, El Nino all have impacts.

In the late 1970’s ALL the Scientific research was pointing at an impending Ice Age (Nigel Calder - The Threat of Ice) and now here we are slow roasting (or drowning)

The biggest probllem with al of this has been the label - Global Warming - it sticks. It has many interpretations.

Climate Change is pretty fucking obvious. Problem is the Scientists (who need to earn their Grants) have too much invested under the Temperature Umbrella not the Weather Pattern umbrella and working backwards.

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Not really. Essentially, that article says that two wrongs (increasing sea temperatures and aerosol pollution in the atmosphere) were just about keeping a lid on hurricane incidence. We’re removing one of those and are left with the other.

No matter what ‘agendas’ scientists have to promote, their science is held up to scrutiny and can always be reassessed to investigate how robust of otherwise it is. The Climate change discussion largely centres around massive meta-analyses that link together the various bits and pieces of the puzzle to give us an overall picture. It is imperfect because it is so astoundingly complex, but most people, I think, would agree that it is pretty important and something we need to tackle pretty damn quickly.


Simpler explanation…



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Hot hail :lou_surprised: