Daily Mail readers

Here’s another familiar trope. The Washington Post, a liberal newspaper par excellence, writes a story on Obama’s vacation reading list (which is actually quite interesting). Underneath the article is the long wail of the American White Right. The sheer volume of rage at a black man in the White House is something else…


I’ve said before, I’ll say it hundreds of times again:

~Comment sections are garbage~

They’re really not though. Actually there’s a lot of research being done on them, and not just as bellwethers. A colleague of mine has just run an analysis of every single post on the Huffington Post, with some interesting results.

I love comments section, in the same was as I love Twitter. Good way of seeing what people think, but you have to take with a large pinch of salt. And often, comments sections do unite behind the liberal point of view.

The term is “bedwetters”