Do the FA have a case to answer over Eniola Aluko's claims?

I think I read that he gets paid between 100-150k a year. That seems a lot to me. Not much less than a PM. A lot more than me.

To be fair to Martin Glenn and Greg Clarke, it was made clear today that the full report on the investigation in 2014, and it’s contents, were only made known to them last week. So i think we can safely say that you are correct, it was clearly covered up and buried by the ‘shop floor’. Just like the allegations of child abuse at the Villa academy, and Graham Taylors role in covering it up, which came to light last week. Not to mention investigations at a few clubs into historic sexual abuse which are ongoing. This is very close to us of course, with the Bob Higgins ‘revelations’! These ‘revelations’ have been common knowledge to loads of Saints fans for 20 odd years. As soon as his name was mentioned it would be, ‘nudge nudge, wink wink’. Higgins has been charged with 65 counts of child sexual abuse. That’s why it was ludicrous last year when the powers that be in charge at Saints all threw up their hands in horror, protesting that they had no idea, if they had heard even a sniff of it, he would have been shown the door. As it is he left with glowing references and still maintained contact with the club.

Glenn also stressed today that there were several allegations made against Sampson at Bristol, ranging from what could be regarded as trivial to very serious. It really doesn’t need spelling out what ‘inappropriate relationships with his charges’ really means. Bear in mind that when this investigation took place he had only been employed there for a couple of months, so he didn’t waste a lot of time, clearly hit the ground running! It was dealt with in house and Sampson was sent on an ‘awareness course’ or something. There is clearly a macho culture running the game at grass roots, i would imagine Sampson would have been considered a bit of a lad by his peers at the FA. “That Mark Sampson eh, what a lad he is”. 'How many did you shag, Mark?" etc. I think he will not be the last out of the door once the details come out. Coaches in these positions have incredible power over their charges, who are desperate for a career in football, desperate to please, susceptable to flattery and inducements. They would be terrified of rocking the boat.

There is clearly a problem of sexual abuse in football at junior level, that is surely indisputable. And it is a sad fact of life that any job coaching 16 year old girls will always attract some pervs.


If he was guilty of inappropriate behaviour before why did the FA not know about it?

Interestingly, I read some of the comments on the Independent website. There was a chap called Chris who said he was the father of a WSL footballer. He said that grooming of girls especially those in the 14-16 age bracket was rife in the game. He also said that the grooming was being done mainly by senior players.

Or Bristol City?

I think perhaps we’re quibbling over definitions here. Nothing to be gained by further quibbling. :lou_smiley:

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But an outside source did(if we believe Glenn) and decided now was the time for the fa to be reminded of what their own report said.

Glenn started his current job in the same month the report was concluded. Coincidence?

The smell is getting worse.

+1 this is all v.disturbing! Who would want to be a woman footballer if there is a chance that once every 3 years or so someone might say something that hurts your feelings! And now it seems this is just the Tip Of The Iceburg!

There is clearly a dark sickness at the heart of the women’s game, and tbh I think the only thing to do is shut the women’s game down entirely, until such a time as they can conduct themselves properly, like Men.


Am I right in thinking that the issues at Bristol are allegations rather than proven facts? If so surely he could have a claim against the FA for wrongful dismissal?

I think they’re proven facts, he had to go on an “awareness” course after the first lot.

If that is the case, the facts were not enough to warrant termination 2 years ago (just some sort of remedial course), but now these historic facts mean he has to be fired. Again, WTF is going on there?


An awareness course? :astonished:

Are you aware that you’re a bit of a perv?


Cool, do carry on.

If you have proof, don’t piss about with a dull apologetic morning in a Holiday Inn conference suite, chuck the book at him.


I’d like to think there was some inappropriate touching, or at the v.least, a conspicuous boner during training, but i bet it turns out he just made a dodgy joke about “bristols”

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He was in charge of the 16 - 19 year olds. The FA stressed that nothing illegal happened so I suspect that it would be more down the lines of an teacher / student relationship issue. Not illegal but unethical.


So then, nothing illegal or enough to warrant a sacking yet the FA now decide that it was bad enough for him to be dismissed from a job where he has yet to be found guilty of any wrong doing. Hmmmm. Sounds like they have totally bottled it and have found a reason to get shot of him before they get hauled over the coals in the Parliamentary enquiry.


While he may not have broken any UK laws I think it fair to suggest that if a 30-year-old coach was fucking one of his 16-year-old players it could be filed under ‘inappropriate’.

Then again I’m a bit prudish like that, I thought Glitter and Savile were out of order too.

If he wants to do that he can - but don’t take it to work where it creates problems.


I seem to be leading the way.

This is from Barney Ronay tonight.

"In a moment of glorious egalitarianism the women’s game has claimed its first scandal-ridden managerial sacking and now has a shot at the top job, too. Welcome to the new world. Take a seat. And sorry about the smell."


Maybe it was bad enough back then, but someone decided not to sack him.

There will be more to follow(a lot more, i feel) when people start coming forwards, as will now happen.

@rallyboy mentioning Saville and Glitter might not sound so outrageous in a years time, when you consider this man was the England manager. If he can slip through, what kind of freaks are operating lower down?


Next out the door, Glenn. Shortly followed by the other two at the top.

The guardian are not going to let this go, it’ll be like phone hacking(that was after two inquiries as well i believe), except the fa won’t be able to “settle”.